Items where Subject is "Human-centered computing"
- ACM Computing Classification System 2012 (1)
- Human-centered computing (12)
- Visualization (1)
- Human-centered computing (12)
Jones, Dr M and Marsden, Dr G (2005) Mobile Interaction Design, John Wiley.
Book chapter
Dray, Dr Susan and Dearden, Prof Andy and Evers, V and Densmore, Ms Melissa and Ramachandran, D and Kam, Dr Matt and Marsden, Prof Gary and Sambasivan, Ms N and Smyth, Mr Tom and van Gruenen, Prof D and Winters, Dr N (2012) Human Computer Interaction for Development: Changing HCI to Change the World, The Human-Computer Interaction Handbook: Fundamentals, Evolving Technologies, and Emerging Applications, Third Edition (Human Factors and Ergonomics), 1369-1394, CRC Press.
Fox, Edward A. and Suleman, Hussein and Gaur, Ramesh C. and Madalli, Devika P. (2005) Design Architecture: An Introduction and Overview, Design and Usability of Digital Libraries: Case Studies in the Asia Pacific, 22-37, Information Science Publishing.
Jones, Dr Matt and Marsden, Dr Gary and Gruijters, Mr Dominic and Fry, Mr Brendan and Reid, Mr Stephen (2005) Using Mobile Phones & PDAs in Ad-hoc audience response systems, Audience Response Systems.
Marsden, Prof Gary and Jones, Dr Matt and Gruijters, Mr Dominic (2006) Using Mobile Phones & PDAs in Ad-hoc audience response systems, Audience Response Systems, Idea group.
Marsden, Professor Gary (2010) What can we learn from the Developing World, ICT for the Next Five Billion People, 47-54, Springer.
Nichols, Dr David and Bainbridge, David and Cunningham, Sally Jo and Thompson, John and Boddie, Stefan and Witten, Ian and Marsden, Dr Gary and Patel, Mr Dynal (2005) Evolving Tool Support for Digital Librarians, Design and Usability of Digital Libraries: Case Studies in the Asia Pacific, 171-191, Idea Group Publishers.
Suleman, Hussein (2010) Interoperability in Digital Libraries, E-Publishing and Digital Libraries: Legal and Organizational Issues, 31-47, IGI Global.
Winschiers-Theophilus, Heike and Blake, Edwin and Maasz, Donovan and Muashekele, Chris and Gallert, Peter and Stanley, Colin and Koruhama, Alphons Kahuhu (2021) Embracing Indigenous Knowledge Systems in ICT-Enabled Education, ICT and International Learning Ecologies: Representation and Sustainability Across Contexts, Routledge.
Conference proceedings
Marsden, Dr Gary and Kotze, Dr Paula and Ladeira, Ms Ilda (2008) Proceedings DIS 2008, Designing Interactive Systems, Feb, 2008, Cape Town, South Africa, ACM Press.
Conference paper
Ah-Kun, Leonard and Marsden, Gary (2007) Co-Present Photo Sharing on Mobile Devices, Proceedings of Mobile HCI, 2007, 73-80.
Bidwell, Dr Nicola J and Lamas, Dr Mounia and Marsden, Dr Gary and Dlutu, Ms Bongiwe and Jones, Dr Matt and Tucker, Dr Bill and Vartiainen, Dr Elina and Klampanos, Dr Iraklis and Robinson, Mr Simon (2011) Please call ME.N.U.4EVER: Callback & Social Media Sharing in Rural Africa, Proceedings of 10th International Workshop on Internalisation of Products and Systems, July 2011, Malaysia, 117-138.
Bidwell, Dr Nicola J and Reitmaier, Mr Thomas and Marsden, Dr Gary and Hansen, Ms Susan (2010) Designing with Mobile Digital Storytelling in Rural Africa, Proceedings of CHI 2010, May 2010, Atlanta, USA, 1593-1602.
Blake, Edwin and Mbinge, Uariaike and Winschiers-Theophilus, Heike and Maasz, Donovan and Stanley, Colin and Muashekele, Chris and Kapuire, Gereon Koch (2021) Going Beyond Empowered Design by Inter-community Engagement, Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Communities & Technologies, 20-25 June 2021, Seattle WA, USA, 224-233, ACM.
Blake, Edwin and Nunez, David and Labuschagne, Bertus (2007) Longitudinal Effects on Presence Suspension of Disbelief or Distrust of Naive Belief(2007), Proceedings of PRESENCE 2007 The 10th Annual International Workshop on Presence, 2007, Barcelona, Spain, 291-295.
Blake, Edwin H (2004) An Extended Platter Metaphor for Effective Reconfigurable Network Visualization, Proceedings of Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Information Visualisation --- IV04, July 2004, London, 752-757, IEEE Computer Society.
Blake, Edwin H and Tucker, William D (2004) Bridging Communications Across the Digital Divide, Proceedings of Proceedings of Social Intelligence Design 2004, 2004, Enschede, Netherlands.
Blake, Prof Edwin H and Steventon, Lindsay and Edge, Jacqlyn and Foster, Andrea (2001) A Field Computer for Animal Trackers, Proceedings of CHI-SA 2001, South African Human-Computer Interaction Conference, 10 - 12 September 2001, University of Pretoria.
Blake, Edwin H and Steventon, Lindsay and Edge, Jacqlyn and Foster, Andrea (2001) A Field Computer for Animal Trackers, Proceedings of CHI-SA 2001, Pretoria, CHI-SA and ACM SIGCHI.
Boyinbode, Olutayo and Bagula, Antoine and Ng’ambi, Dick (2012) An Interactive Mobile Learning System for Enhancing Learning in Higher Education, Proceedings of of the IADIS International Mobile Learning Conference, March 11-13 2012, Berlin, Germany, 331-334.
Brown, Deana and Marsden, Gary and Rivett, Ulrike (2012) WATER alert!: using mobile phones to improve community perspective on drinking water quality in South Africa, Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD '12), 230-240.
Brown, Sarah and Nunez, David and Blake, Edwin (2005) Using virtual reality to provide nutritional support to HIV+ women, Proceedings of Proceedings: The 8th International Workshop on Presence — Presence 2005, 21-23 September 2005, University College London, UK, 319-326, International Society for Presence Research.
Buchanan, George and Jones, Matt and Marsden, Gary (2003) Exploring Small Screen Digital Library Access with the Greenstone Digital Library, Proceedings of 6th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries.
Chavula, Mrs. Catherine and Keet, Dr. C. Maria (2014) Is Lemon Sufficient for Building Multilingual Ontologies for Bantu Languages?, Proceedings of 11th OWL: Experiences and Directions Workshop (OWLED'14), 17-18 October 2014, Riva del Garda, Italy, 1265, 61-72, CEUR-WS.
Chepken, Christopher and Blake, Edwin and Marsden, Gary (2013) ICTs and Survival Tactics for the Day-labour Workers: Implications for Design, Proceedings of IST-Africa 2013 Conference, 29-31 May, Nairobi, Kenya, IMC International Information Management Corporation.
Chepken, Christopher and Mugwanya, Raymond and Blake, Edwin and Marsden, Gary (2012) ICTD interventions: trends over the last decade., Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD '12), 241-248.
Chepken, Mr Christopher and Blake, Dr Edwin and Marsden, Dr Gary (2011) Day Labour Mobile Electronic Data Capture and Browsing System, Proceedings of SAICSIT 2011, October 2011, South Africa, 69-76.
Chetty, Marshini and Tucker, William and Blake, Edwin (2004) Developing locally relevant software applications for rural areas: A South African example, Proceedings of SAICSIT 2004, 239-243, ACM.
Chong, Mr Ming Ki and Marsden, Dr Gary and Gellersen, Dr Hans (2010) GesturePIN: Using Discrete Gestures for Associating Mobile Devices, Proceedings of Mobile HCI, September 2010, Lisbon, Portugal, 261-264.
Donner, Jonathan and Gitau, Shikoh and Marsden, Gary (2009) "i-Internet? Intle” (beautiful): Exploring first time internet use via mobile phones in a South African women’s collective, Proceedings of 3rd Annual Conference of the International Development Informatics Association, 28-30 October, 2009, Kruger Park, South Africa.
Dsane, Sarah and Densmore, Melissa and Joolay, Yaseen (2022) A Descriptive Analysis of Cohesion within Virtual and Physical Small Groups of Mothers in Bandwidth-Constrained Communities in Cape Town, Proceedings of ACM SIGCAS/SIGCHI Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies (COMPASS), 29 June 29-1 July 2022, Seattle, WA, USA., 1-13, ACM.
Elliott, Ms Charlene and Marsden, Dr Gary and Walton, Dr Marion and Blake, Prof Edwin (2009) Design Notations for Creating Virtual Environment, Proceedings of SAICSIT 2009, October 2009, 7-15.
Engdahl, Mr Bjorn and Köksal, Ms Malin and Marsden, Prof Gary (2005) Using Treemaps to Visualize Threaded Discussion Forums on PDAs, Proceedings of CHI 2005, 2-7 April 2005, Portland, Oregon.
Evers, Vanessa and Brewster, Stephen and Lazar, Jonathan and Liu, Zhengjie and Marsden, Gary and Prates, Raquel and Nijboer, Femke (2012) Changing requirements to HCI funding: a global perspective., Proceedings of ACM annual conference extended abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts (CHI EA '12), 1209-1212.
Eyambe, Linda and Suleman, Hussein (2004) A Digital Library Component Assembly Environment, Proceedings of SAICSIT, 4-6 October, Stellenbosch, 15-22, ACM.
Gain, A/Prof James (2013) Using Poll Sheets and Computer Vision as an Inexpensive Alternative to Clickers, Proceedings of SAICSIT 2013, 7-9 October 2013, East London, South Africa, 60-63, ACM Press.
Gitau, MS Shikoh and Digau, Ms Katherine and Bidwell, Ms Nicola J. and Marsden, Dr Gary (2010) Beyond being a Proxy User: A look at NGOs’ Potential Role in ICT4D Deployment, Proceedings of ICTD 2010, December, London.
Gitau, Ms Shikoh and Donner, Dr Jonathan and Marsden, Dr Gary (2010) A second look at the mobile-only internet: job seekers in Khayelitsha, South Africa describe their first 6 months of mobile internet use, Proceedings of ICTs and Development: An International Workshop for Theory, Practice, & Policy, IIT Delhi., March 2010, Dehli, India.
Gitau, Ms Shikoh and Marsden, Dr Gary (2009) Working with NGOs through Fair Partnerships, Proceedings of Interact, September 2009, Uppsala, Sweden, 205-213.
Gitau, Ms Shikoh and Marsden, Dr Gary and Donner, Dr Jonathan (2010) After Access – Challenges Facing Mobile-Only Internet Users in the Developing World, Proceedings of CHI 2010, May 2010, Atlanta, USA, 2603-2606.
Haji, Ali and Suleman, Hussein and Rivett, Ulrike (2014) Mobile Graphic-based Communication: Investigating Reminder Notifications to Support Tuberculosis Treatment in Africa, Proceedings of The 3rd International Conference on Health Information Science, Shenzhen, China, April 21-23, 2014, Shenzhen, China, LNCS, 204-211, Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
Haji, Haji Ali and Rivett, Ulrike and Suleman, Hussein (2015) Evaluating the effectiveness of mobile graphic-based reminders to support treatment of tuberculosis patients, Proceedings of 9th International Development Informatics Association Conference (IDIA 2015), November 8-9, 2015, Nungwi, Zanzibar, 189-201.
Haji, Haji Ali and Suleman, Hussein and Rivett, Ulrike (2014) Developing Mobile Graphic Reminders for Reinforcing Compliance in Tuberculosis Treatment in Africa, Proceedings of The first International Conference on the use of Mobile Informations and Communication Technology (ICT) in Africa, 9-10 December 2014, Stellenbosch University, South Africa, 11-15, ISBN: 978-0-7972-1533-7.
Hanslo, Mr Wayne and MacGregor, Prof. Ken (2003) Using XML Messaging for Wireless Middleware Communication, Proceedings of South African Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference, 7-10 September, George, South Africa.
Hendricks, Mr Z and Marsden, Dr G and Blake, Prof E H (2003) A Meta-Authoring Tool for Specifying Interactions in Virtual Reality Environments, Proceedings of African Graphics Association Conference, February 3-5, Cape Town, South Africa.
Jensen, Kasper and Marsden, Gary and Cutrell, Ed and Jones, Matt and Morrison, Anne (2012) NUIs for new worlds: new interaction forms and interfaces for mobile applications in developing countries, Proceedings of ACM annual conference extended abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts (CHI EA '12), 2779-2782.
Jones, Dr M and Buchanan, Mr G and Jain, Mr P and Marsden, Dr G (2003) From Sit-Forward to Lean-Back: Using a Mobile Device to Vary Interactive Pace, Proceedings of Mobile HCI, 8-11 September, Udine, Italy, 390-394.
Jones, Dr M and Marsden, Dr G (2004) “Please turn ON your mobile phone” – First Impressions of Text-messaging in Lectures, Proceedings of Mobile HCI, 13-16 September, Glasgow, Scotland, 436-440.
Kapuire, Mr Gereon Koch and Winschiers Theophilus, Dr Heike and Chivuno Kuria, Ms Shilumbe and Bidwell, Dr Nicola J and Blake, Prof Edwin (2010) A revolution in ICT, the last hope for African Rural Communities' technology appropriation, Proceedings of International Development Informatics Association Conference (IDIA2010), 3-5 November 2010, Cape Town, South Africa, Monash University.
Keet, Dr. C. Maria and Khumalo, Dr. Langa (2014) Toward verbalizing ontologies in isiZulu, Proceedings of 4th Workshop on Controlled Natural Language (CNL'14), 20-22 August 2014, Galway, Ireland, 8625, 78-89, Springer.
King, Samuel and Mbogho, Audrey (2009) Evaluating the usability and suitability of mobile tagging media in educational settings in a developing country, Proceedings of IADIS International Conference on Mobile Learning, 26 February 2009, Barcelona, Spain, 230-234, IADIS Press.
Körber, Nils and Suleman, Dr. Hussein (2008) Usability of Digital Repository Software: A Study of DSpace Installation and Configuration, Proceedings of International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries, 2-5 December 2008, Bali, Indonesia, Springer.
Labuschagne, Bertus and Nunez, David and Blake, Edwin (2007) Presence predicts false memories of virtual environment content, Proceedings of PRESENCE 2007 The 10th Annual International Workshop on Presence, 2007, Barcelona, Spain, 297-301.
Ladeira, Ilda and Blake, Edwin (2004) Virtual San storytelling for children: Content vs. experience, Proceedings of VAST2004: The 5th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, 2004, 223-231.
Ladeira, Ilda and Nunez, David and Blake, Edwin (2005) The Role of Content Preference on Thematic Priming in Virtual Presence, Proceedings of The 8th International Workshop on Presence — Presence 2005, 21-23 September 2005, University College London, UK, 227-230, International Society for Presence Research.
Ladeira, Dr Ilda and Marsden, Prof Gary (2014) Interactive Personal Storytelling An Ethnographic Study and Simulation of Apartheid-Era Narratives, Proceedings of Designing Interactive Systems, 21-25 June 2014, Vancouver, ACM.
Ladeira, Ms Ilda and Marsden, Dr Gary and Green, Dr Lesley (2011) Designing Interactive Storytelling: A Virtual Environment for Personal Experience Narratives, Proceedings of Interact 2011, September 2011, Lisbon, Portugal, 6947, 430-437.
Maina, Job King'ori and Suleman, Hussein (2015) Enhancing Digital Heritage Archives Using Gamified Annotations, Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries, 9-12 December 2015, Seoul, South Korea, 169-179, Springer International Publishing.
Marsden, Gary and Cherry, Rob and Haefele, Alan (2002) Small Screen Access to Digital Libraries of African Art, Proceedings of SIGCHI, 786-787.
Marsden, Gary and Malan, Katherine and Hendricks, Zayd and Tangkuampien, Jak (2001) Interfaces to Digital Collections of African Art, Proceedings of CHI-SA.
Marsden, Gary and Malan, Katherine and Blake, Edwin (2002) Using Digital Technology to Access And Store African Art, Proceedings of CHI 2002, 528-529.
Marsden, Prof Gary and Tip, Nicholas (2005) Interfaces to Mobile Virtual Reality, Proceedings of Mobile HCI, 19-22 September 2005, Salzburg, Austria.
Maunder, Mr AJ and Tucker, Mr WD and Marsden, Dr Gary (2006) Evaluating the relevance of the 'Real Access' criteria as a framework for rural HCI research, Proceedings of 5th Conference on Human Computer Interaction in Southern Africa, January 2006, Cape Town, South Africa.
Maunder, Andrew and Marsden, Gary and Harper, Richard (2007) Creating and sharing multi-media packages using large situated public displays and mobile phones, Proceedings of Mobile HCI.
Maunder, Andrew and Marsden, Gary and Gruijters, Dominic and Blake, Edwin (2007) Designing Interactive Systems for the Developing World – Reflections on User- Centred Design, Proceedings of ICTD, 321-328.
Maunder, Andrew and van Rooyen, Reinhardt and Suleman, Hussein (2005) Designing a Universal Web Application Server, Proceedings of South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, 19-22 September 2005, White River, South Africa, SAICSIT.
Maunder, Mr Andrew and Marsden, Dr Gary and Harper, Dr Richard (2008) SnapAndGrab: accessing and sharing contextual multi-media content using bluetooth enabled camera phones and large situated displays, Proceedings of CHI 2008, April 2008, Florence, Italy, 2319-2324, ACM Press.
Meissner, Mr FW and Blake, Mr EB (2011) Understanding Culturally Distant End-Users Through Intermediary-Derived Personas, Proceedings of South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists (SAICSIT) 2011 Annual Conference, 3-5 October, Cape Town, 314-317, ACM New York, NY, USA.
Meissner, Fritz and Blake, Edwin (2013) Availability4D: Refining the link between availability and adoption in marginalised communities., Proceedings of INTERACT 2013 -- 14th IFIP TC13 Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 2-6 September, Cape Town, South Africa, 8117, 762-779, Springer.
Modise, Morebodi and Suleman, Hussein (2017) Mobile Search Interfaces for isiXhosa Speakers: A Comparison Between Voice and Text, Proceedings of 2017 Conference on Information Communications Technology and Society, 9-10 March 2017, Durban, South Africa, IEEE.
Molapo, Ms M and Marsden, Prof G (2013) Content Prototyping – An Approach for Engaging Non-Technical Users in Participatory Design, Proceedings of Interact 2013, 1, 788-795.
Molapo, Ms M and Marsden, Prof G (2013) Software Support for Creating Digital Health Training Materials in the Field, Proceedings of ICTD 2013, December 2013, 204-213.
Molapo, Ms M and Marsden, Prof Gary (2013) Health Education in Rural Communities with Locally Produced and Locally Relevant Multimedia Content, Proceedings of DEV 2013.
Molapo, Ms. Maletsabisa and Densmore, Dr. Melissa and Morie, Ms. Limpho (2016) Apps and Skits: Enabling New Forms of Village-To-Clinic Feedback for Rural Health Education, Proceedings of The 7th Annual Symposium on Computing for Development, November 18 - 20, 2016, Nairobi, Kenya, 10, ACM.
Molapo, Ms. Maletsabisa and Densmore, Dr. Melissa and Morie, Ms. Limpho (2016) Designing with Community Health Workers: Enabling Productive Participation Through Exploration, Proceedings of The First African Conference on Human Computer Interaction (AfriCHI'16), November 21 - 25, 2016, Nairobi, Kenya, 58-68.
Munyaradzi, Ngoni and Suleman, Hussein (2013) Quality Assessment in Crowdsourced Indigenous Language Transcription, Proceedings of Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL) 2013, 22-26 September 2013, Malta, Springer.
Mvumbi, Mr Tresor and Kundaeli, Flora and Manzi, Zafika and Williams, Kyle and Suleman, Hussein (2012) An Online Meeting Tool for Low Bandwidth Environments, Proceedings of Annual Research Conference of the South African Institute for Computer Scientists and Information Technologists (SAICSIT 2012), 1-3 October 2012, Centurion, South Africa, ACM.
Nel, Mr Marius and Williams, Mr Kyle and Suleman, Dr Hussein (2012) Evaluating Large Image Support for DSpace, Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL 2012), 12-15 November 2012, Taipei, Taiwan, Springer.
Nunez, David and Blake, Edwin (2006) Content knowledge and thematic inertia predict virtual presence, Proceedings of 9th International Workshop on Presence, 2006, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, 38-49, ISPR.
Olaleye, Sunkanmi and Suleman, Hussein (2015) Xamobile: Usability Evaluation of Text Input Methods on Mobile Devices for Historical African Languages, Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries, 9-12 December 2015, Seoul, South Korea, 209-214, Springer.
Olojede, Ayodeji and Suleman, Hussein (2015) Investigating Image Processing Algorithms for Navigating Cultural Heritage Spaces using Mobile Devices, Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries, 9-12 December 2015, Seoul, South Korea, 215-224, Springer.
Patel, Mr D and Marsden, Dr G (2004) Customizing Digital Libraries for Small Screen Devices, Proceedings of SAICSIT 2004, 4-6 October 2004, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 234-238.
Patel, Mr D and Marsden, Dr G and Jones, Dr S and Jones, Dr M (2004) An Evaluation of Techniques for Browsing Photograph Collections on Small Displays, Proceedings of Mobile HCI, 13-16 September 2004, Glasgow, Scotland, 132-143.
Patel, Dynal and Marsden, Gary (2006) Investigating the use of Photo Collection Structures for Photo Searching, Proceedings of CHI-SA, 2006, 41-50.
Patel, Mr Dynal and Marsden, Dr Gary and Jones, Dr Matt and Jones, Dr Steve (2009) An Evaluation of Techniques for Image Searching and Browsing on Mobile Devices, Proceedings of SAICSIT 2009, October 2009, 60-69.
Patel, Mr Dynal and Marsden, Prof Gary (2006) Improving Photo Searching Interfaces for Small-screen Mobile Computers, Proceedings of Mobile HCI 2006.
Perrier, Trevor and Dell, Nicola and DeRenzi, Brian and Anderson, Richard and Kinuthia, John and Unger, Jennifer and John-Stewart, Grace (2015) Engaging Pregnant Women in Kenya with a Hybrid Computer-Human SMS Communication System, Proceedings of CHI '15, April 18 - 23 2015, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 1429-1438.
Reitmaier, Thomas and Bidwell, Nicola J and Siya, M and Marsden, Gary and Tucker, Bill and Kotzé, Paula (2012) Communicating in Designing an Oral Repository for Rural African Villages, Proceedings of IST-Africa: Regional Impact of Information Society Technologies in Africa.
Reitmaier, Mr Thomas and Benz, Mr Pierre and Marsden, Professor Gary (2013) Designing and theorizing co-located interactions., Proceedings of CHI 2013, 381-390.
Reitmaier, Mr Thomas and Bidwell, Dr Nicola J and Marsden, Dr Gary (2010) Field Testing Mobile Digital Storytelling Software in Rural Kenya, Proceedings of Mobile HCI, September 2010, Lisbon, Portugal, 283-287.
Reitmaier, Mr Thomas and Marsden, Dr Gary (2009) Bringing Digital Storytelling to the Mobile, Proceedings of Interact, September, 2009, Uppsala, Sweden, 750-753.
Robinson, Simon and Jones, Matt and Vartiainen, Elina and Marsden, Gary (2012) PicoTales: collaborative authoring of animated stories using handheld projectors, Proceedings of ACM 2012 conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 671-680.
Schraefel, Dr mc and Andre, P and White, R and Berners-Lee, T and Consolvo, S and Jacobs, R and Kohane, I and Le Dantec, C and Mamykina, L and Marsden, G and Shneiderman, B and Szolovits, P and Weitzner, D (2009) Interacting with eHealth: towards grand challenges for HCI, Proceedings of Human Factors in Computing Systems - ACM SIGCHI 2009, April 2009, Boston, 2, 3309-3313.
Schroder, Mr R and Bosma, Mr M and Cousins, Mr A and Marsden, Dr G (2004) REVIREN: Augmenting Virtual Environments with Personal Digital Assistants., Proceedings of South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, 4-6 October, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 135-141.
Sergio, Congia and Gaylord, Michael and Merchant, Bhavik and Suleman, Hussein (2004) Applying SOAP to OAI-PMH, Proceedings of 8th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries (ECDL2004), 12-17 September, Bath, UK, 411-420, Springer-Verlag.
Smith, Mr Graeme and Marsden, Dr Gary (2011) Providing Media Download Services in African Taxis, Proceedings of SAICSIT 2011, October 2011, South Africa, 215-223.
Ssekakubo, Mr. Grace and Suleman, Prof. Hussein and Marsden, Prof. Gary (2014) A Streamlined Mobile User-Interface for Improved Access to LMS Services, Proceedings of eLmL 2014 : The Sixth International Conference on Mobile, Hybrid, and On-line Learning, 23-27 March 2014, Barcelona, Spain, 92-101, IARIA.
Ssekakubo, Mr Grace and Suleman, Dr Hussein and Marsden, Dr Gary (2011) Issues of Adoption: Have E-Learning Management Systems Fulfilled their Potential in Developing Countries?, Proceedings of SAICSIT 2011, October 2011, South Africa, 231-238.
Ssekakubo, Mr Grace and Suleman, Prof Hussein and Marsden, Prof Gary (2012) Learning Management Systems: Understanding the Expectations of Learners in Developing Countries, Proceedings of IADIS e-learning 2012, Lisbon, Portugal.
Ssembatya, Mr R and Kayem, Dr A and Marsden, Prof G (2013) On the challenge of adopting standard EHR systems in developing countries, Proceedings of DEV 2013.
Ssozi-Mugarura, Fiona and Blake, Edwin and Rivett, Ulrike (2015) Designing for Sustainability: Involving Communities in Developing ICT Interventions to Support Water Resource Management, Proceedings of IST-Africa Conference 2015, 6-8 May 2015, Lilongwe, Malawi, 1-8, IEEE Xplore.
Suleman, Hussein (2010) A Social Networking Approach to Integrated Communication in OLEs, Proceedings of South African Computer Lecturers' Association (SACLA) 2010, 3-5 June 2010, Pretoria, South Africa.
Suleman, Hussein (2007) Digital Libraries Without Databases: The Bleek and Lloyd Collection, Proceedings of Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, 11th European Conference (ECDL 2007), 16-19 September 2007, Budapest, Hungary, 392-403, Springer.
Suleman, Hussein (2007) Managing Digital Library Components, Proceedings of Second Workshop on Foundations of Digital Libraries, 20 September 2007, Budapest, Hungary.
Suleman, Hussein (2003) Metadata Editing by Schema, Proceedings of 7th European Conference on Digital Libraries, 17-21 August 2003, Trondheim, Norway, Springer-Verlag.
Suleman, Hussein (2019) Reflections on Design Principles for a Digital Repository in a Low Resource Environment, Proceedings of HistoInformatics Workshop 2019, 13 September 2019, Oslo, Norway, CEUR.
Suleman, Hussein and Feng, Fu-Yao and Mhlongo, Siyabonga and Omar, Muammar (2005) Flexing Digital Library Systems, Proceedings of ICADL, 12-15 December, Bangkok, Thailand.
Suleman, Hussein and Feng, Kevin and Marsden, Gary (2006) Customising Interfaces to Service-Oriented Digital Library Systems, Proceedings of 9th International Conference on the Asian Digital Library, 27-30 November 2006, Kyoto, Japan.
Talbot, Mr Michael and Marsden, Dr Gary (2011) SHOP-Net: Moving from Paper to Mobile, Proceedings of SATNAC 2011, 4-7th September, South Africa.
Tucker, Dr W D and Blake, Prof E H (2010) Abstractions for designing and evaluating communication bridges for people in developing regions, Proceedings of First Annual Symposium on Computing for Development (DEV), 17-18 Dec 2010, Royal Holloway, University of London, London, UK, ACM.
Verwey, Johan and Blake, Edwin (2005) The influence of lip animation on the perception of speech in virtual environments, Proceedings of The 8th International Workshop on Presence — Presence 2005, 21-23 September 2005, University College London, UK, 162-170, International Society for Presence Research.
Walton, Dr Marion and Hassreiter, Ms Silke and Marsden, Prof Gary and Allen, Mr Sena (2012) Degrees of Sharing: Proximate Media Sharing and Messaging by Young People in Khayelitsha, Proceedings of MobileHCI 2012, September 2012, San Francisco, USA, 403-412.
Webley, Lawrence and Chipeperekwa, Tatenda and Suleman, Hussein (2011) Creating a National Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Portal in South Africa, Proceedings of 14th International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations, 13-17 September 2011, Cape Town, South Africa.
Wei, Mr Barry and Maraden, Dr Gary and Gain, Dr James (2008) Control Mechanisms for First Person Shooter Games on PDA, Proceedings of OzCHI, December 2008, Cairns, Australia.
Wei, Chen and Marsden, Gary and Gain, James (2008) Control Mechanisms for First Person Shooter Games on PDA, Proceedings of OzCHI, December 2008.
Winschiers-Theophilus, Heike and Bidwell, Nicola and Blake, Edwin and Kapuire, Gereon and Chivuno-Kuria, Shilumbe (2010) Being participated: a community approach., Proceedings of 11th Biennial Participatory Design Conference, PDC '10, November 29 - December 03, 2010, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 1-10, ACM, New York, NY, USA.
Winschiers-Theophilus, Heike and Winschiers-Goagoses, Naska and Rodil, Kasper and Blake, Edwin and Zaman, Tariq and Kapuire, Gereon Koch and Kamukuenjandje, Richard (2013) Moving away from Erindi-roukambe: Transferability of a rural community-based co-design, Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countri, 19-22 May, 2013, Ocho Rios, Jamaica, 363-374, IFIP WG 9.4: Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries.
Winterbottom, Cara and Blake, Edwin H (2008) Constructivism, virtual reality and tools to support design, Proceedings of 7th ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS 2008), Feb 2008, Cape Town, 230-239, ACM.
Winterbottom, Ms Cara and Blake, Professor Edwin (2004) Designing a VR Interaction Authoring Tool using Constructivist Practices, Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Virtual Reality, Computer Graphics, Visualization and Interaction in Africa, 3-5 November 2004, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 67-71, ACM Press.
Wong, Bryan and Marsden, Gary (2001) Effectively Exploiting Server Log Information for Large Scale Web Sites, Proceedings of SAICSIT.
Yang, Mr S and Marsden, Dr G (2004) Eliminating Design and Execute Modes from Virtual Environment Editors, Proceedings of Presence 2004, 13-15 October 2004, Valencia, Spain.
schraefel, mc and Kellog, Wendy and Ackerman, Mark and Marsden, Gary and Bødker, Susanne and Wyche, Susan and Reddy, Madhu and Rouncefield, Mark (2012) Domain crossing: how much expertise is enough?, Proceedings of ACM 2012 conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work Companion (CSCW '12), 29-32.
Conference poster
Brown, Ms Deana and Marsden, Dr Gary and Loudon, Ms Melissa (2011) WATER alert!: disseminating drinking water quality information to South Africans, Proceedings of the 2011 annual conference extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems (CHI EA '11), May 2011, Vancouver, Canada, 1915-1920.
Körber, Nils and Suleman, Dr. Hussein (2008) Enhancing Usability of Open Source Digital Repository Software, Proceedings of 10th Annual Conference of WWW Applications, 03/04/05.09.2008, University of Cape Town, Cape Town.
Technical report
Casanueva, Mr J.S. and Blake, Prof E.H. (2000) The Effects of Group Collaboration on Presence in a Collaborative Virtual Environment, CS00-07-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.
Casanueva, Mr Juan and Blake, Prof Edwin (2000) Presence and Co-Presence in Collaborative Virtual Environments, CS00-06-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.
Casanueva, Mr Juan and Blake, Prof Edwin (2000) Presence in a Distributed Virtual Environment, CS00-05-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.
Cooke, Mr R J E and Jedeikin, Mr J M and Lepar, Mr D B (2004) MyWorld: Testing Female Preferred Gaming Criteria, CS04-16-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.
Fry, Mr Brendan G and Gruijters, Mr Dominic and Reid, Mr Stephen (2004) MISPE – Mobile Information Sharing in the Presentation Environment, CS04-22-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.
Hamza, Zaheer and Pnematicatos, Gary and Tip, Nicholas and Marsden, Gary and Marais, Patrick (2004) Virtual Window: A Peephole into another World, CS04-19-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.
Jeftha, Mr Ridhô (2012) Improving Touch Based Gesture Interfaces, CS12-06-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.
Kruger, Mr Kurt and Jacobs, Mr Fabian (2005) Improving the browsing and cataloguing experience of the District Six museum archives, CS05-21-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.
Maunder, Mr. Andrew and van Rooyen, Mr. Reinhardt (2004) Universal Web Server: The X-Switch System, CS04-20-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.
Saal, Mr O. and Blake, Prof E.H. (2000) Visualisation of ATM network connectivity and topology, CS00-13-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.
Schutte, Mr Carl S. and Ndabambi, Mr Abel (2004) Virtualized Audio, CS04-25-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.
Spasic, Mr Nemanja and Tilanus, Mr Jared (2005) Understanding Ocean Surface Temperature Features, CS05-07-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.
Takpuie, Mr Deon (2012) Synchronization of Lecture Slides and Video, CS12-01-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.
Versfeld, Ms Rizmari (2010) Bleek and Lloyd in Second Life, CS10-03-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.
Winterbottom, Ms Cara and Gain, Dr James and Blake, Professor Edwin (2005) Experiences in Designing a User-Oriented Tool for Building and Understanding Interactions in Virtual Environments, CS06-03-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.
Journal article (paginated)
Bidwell, Prof Nicola and Siya, Mr M and Marsden, Prof G and Tucker, Dr W and Tshemese, Mr M and Gaven, Mr N and Ntlangano, Mr S and Robinson, Dr S and Eglington, Dr K (2013) Walking and the Social Life of Solar Charging in Rural Africa, ACM ToCHI, 20, 1-30.
Bidwell, Dr Nicola J and Reitmaier, Mr Thomas and Marsden, Prof Gary (2011) Situating digital storytelling within African communities, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 69, 658-668, Elsevier.
Blake, Edwin H. and Ladeira, Ilda (2011) Cultural reinterpretation and resonance: The San and hip-hop, Computers & Graphics, 35, 383-391, Elsevier.
Boyinbode, Olutayo and Ng’ambi, Dick and Bagula, Antoine (2013) An Interactive Mobile Lecturing Model: Enhancing Student Engagement with Face-To-Face Sessions, International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, 5, 1-21, IGI-Global.
Cairns, Dr D.E. and Marsden, Dr G. (2004) Improving the Usability of the Hierarchical File System, South African Computer Journal, 32, 69-78, SA ePublications.
Donner, Dr Jonathan and Gitau, Ms Shikoh and Marsden, Dr Gary (2011) Exploring Mobile-only Internet Use: Results of a Training Study in Urban South Africa, International Journal of Communication, 5, 574-597.
Eyambe, Linda and Suleman, Dr Hussein (2005) A component assembly approach to digital library systems, South African Computer Journal, 35, 59-68, SAICSIT.
Haji, Haji Aji and Rivett, Ulrike and Suleman, Hussein (2016) Improving Compliance to Tuberculosis Treatment: Supporting Patients through Mobile Graphic-based Reminders, Journal of Public Health in Developing Countries, 2, 235-247.
Jones, Dr Matt and Marsden, Dr Gary and Norliza, Ms Mohd-Nasir and Boone, Dr Kevin (1999) Improving web interaction in small screen displays, Computer Networks, 31, 1129-1137.
Jones, Steve and Jones, Matt and Patel, Dynal and Marsden, Gary and Cockburn, Andy (2005) An Evaluation Of Integrated Zooming and Scrolling On Small-Screens, International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 63, 271-303.
Malan, Katherine and Marsden, Gary (2006) Extending Dynamic Queries to Handle Uncertain Data., SACJ, 61-75.
Marsden, Dr Gary (2003) Using HCI to Leverage Communication Technology, Interactions, 10, 48-55, ACM Press.
Marsden, Dr Gary (2003) Using HCI to leverage communication technology, Interactions, 10, 48-55, ACM Press.
Marsden, Dr Gary and Cairns, Dr David (2004) Improving the Usability of the Hierarchical File System, South African Computer Journal, 32, 69-78, SAICSIT.
Marsden, Dr Gary and Jones, Dr Matt (2002) Ubiquitous Computing and Cellular Handsets—are menus the best way forward?, South African Computer Journal, 28, 67-74, UNISA.
Marsden, Prof Gary and Cutrell, Dr Ed and Nanavati, Dr Amit and Jones, Prof Matt and Rajput, Nitendra (2012) Making Technology Invisible in the Developing World, IEEE Computer, 82-85.
Marsden, Professor Gary and Ladiera, Ms Ilda and Reitmaier, Mr Thomas and Bidwell, Dr Nicola J and Blake, Prof Edwin (2010) Digital Storytelling in Africa, International Journal of Computing, 9, 257-265.
Marsden, Dr Gary (2008) Toward Empowered Design, IEEE Computer, 41, 42-47, IEEE.
Marsden, Dr Gary and Maunder, Mr Andrew and Parker, Mr Munier (2008) People are people, but technology is not technology, Philisophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 1-10, Royal Society.
Maunder, Dr Andrew and Marsden, Dr Gary and Harper, Dr Richard (2011) Making the Link – providing mobile media for novice communities in the developing world, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 69, 647-657.
Mugwanya, Mr Raymond and Marsden, Dr Gary and Boateng, Dr Richard (2011) A preliminary study of podcasting in developing higher education institutions: A South African case, Journal of Systems and Information Technology, 13, 268-285, Emerald.
Munyaradzi, Ngoni and Suleman, Hussein (2014) A System for High Quality Crowdsourced Indigenous Language Transcription, International Journal on Digital Libraries, 14, 117-125, Springer.
Nunez, David and Blake, Edwin (2006) Learning, experience, and cognitive factors in the presence experiences of gamers: An exploratory relational study, Presence: Teleoperators & Virtual Environments, 15, 373-380, MIT.
Rogers, Prof Yvonne and Marsden, Prof Gary (2013) Does he take Sugar? Moving Beyond the Rhetoric of Compassion, Interactions, 20, 48-57, ACM SIGCHI.
Ssekakubo, MR Grace and Suleman, Prof Hussein and Marsden, Prof Gary (2013) Designing Mobile LMS Interfaces: Learners’ Expectations and Experiences, Interactive Technology and Smart Education, 10, 147-167.
Suleman, Hussein (2005) Analysis and Evaluation of Service Oriented Architectures for Digital Libraries, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 130-146, Springer-Verlag.
Winschiers-Theophilus, Heike and Bidwell, Nicola J and Blake, Edwin (2012) Altering participation through interactions and reflections in design, CoDesign: International Journal of CoCreation in Design and the Arts, 8, 163-182, Taylor & Francis.
Maunder, Mr Andrew and Marsden, Dr Gary and Harper, Prof Richard (2007) Shoot and Carry.
Electronic thesis or dissertation
Balluck, Ashwinkoomarsing (2007) Optimising Information Retrieval from the Web in Low-bandwidth Environments, MPhil.
Chepken, Christopher (2013) Telecommuting in the Developing World: A Case of the Day-Labour Market, PhD.
Cloete, Candice Lynn (2006) MIRMaid: An interface for a content based Music Information Retrieval test-bed, MPhil.
Eyambe, Linda (2005) A Digital Library Component Assembly Environment, MSc.
Katule, Mr N.A (2018) Utilization of Personal Health Informatics Through Intermediary Users, PhD.
Mohamed Nour, Mr Morwan (2012) An End-to-End Solution for Complex Open Educational Resources, MSc.
Munyaradzi, Mr Ngoni (2013) Transcription of the Bleek and Lloyd Collection using the Bossa Volunteer Thinking Framework, MSc.
Nel, Mr Marius Francois (2011) Large Image Support in Digital Repositories, MPhil.
Ramuhaheli, Mr Tshifhiwa (2011) Gesture Based Interface for Asynchronous Video Communication for Deaf People in South Africa, MSc.
Reitmaier, Mr Thomas (2011) Designing Digital Storytelling for Rural African Communities, MSc.
Smith, Mr Graeme (2011) Mobile Media Distribution in Developing Contexts, MSc.
Verwey, Mr Johan (2006) Speech Perception in Virtual Environments, MSc.
du Toit, Ms Nicola (2014) Designing an interface to provide new functionality for the post-processing of web-based annotations., MPhil.