Items where Subject is "Distributed architectures"

Group by: Item Type | Authors | No Grouping
Number of items at this level: 118.

Book chapter

Antoine, Bagula and Djenouri, Djamel and Karbab, Elmouatezbillah (2013) On the Relevance of Using Interference and Service Differentiation Routing in the Internet-of-Things, IEEE ruSmart, St Petersburg, Russia, Springer LNCS 2013, 25-35, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

Jones, Dr Matt and Marsden, Dr Gary and Gruijters, Mr Dominic and Fry, Mr Brendan and Reid, Mr Stephen (2005) Using Mobile Phones & PDAs in Ad-hoc audience response systems, Audience Response Systems.

Masinde, Mrs M. and Bagula, Dr A. and Ndegwa, Mr V. (2010) Middleware for Grid Computing on Mobile Phones, M-Science: Sensing, Computing and Dissemination, International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy.

Conference paper

Arcia-Moret, Andrés and Sathiaseelan, Arjuna and Zennaro, Marco and Rondón, Freddy and Pietrosemoli, Ermanno and Johnson, David (2016) Open and Regionalised Spectrum Repositories for Emerging Countries, Proceedings of 2016 Workshop on Global Access to the Internet for All (GAIA 2016), 2-4 November 2016, Madrid, Spain, 13-18.

Bagula, Dr A. and Inngs, Mr G. and Scott, Mr S. and Zennaro, Dr M. (2010) Community Sensor Networks: An Application to Pollution Maps, Proceedings of Proceedings of the International Wireless Communication and Information Conference, October 2010, Berlin-Germany, verlag werner hulsbusch.

Bagula, Dr A. and Mehta, Mr A. and Zennaro, Dr M. (2010) Experimental Evaluation of Interference Mitigation on The 2.4 GHz ISM band Using Channel Hopping, Proceedings of Proceedings of the IEEE Wireless Days, October 2010, Venice, Italy, IEEE.

Bagula, Antoine and Djenouri, Djamel and Karbab, Elmouatezbillah (2013) Ubiquitous Sensor Network Management: The Least Interference Beaconing Model, Proceedings of 24th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), September 2013, London UK., 2362-2366, IEEE.

Bagula, Dr Antoine and Mazandu, Gaston (2008) Energy Constrained Multipath Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks, Proceedings of UIC2008, June 2008, Oslo/Norway, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 5061/2008, pages 453-467, June 2008., Elsevier.

Bagula, Dr Antoine and Salami, Oladayo and Chan, Anthony (2011) Traffic Engineering Framework for Inter-working Multi-hop wireless networks, Proceedings of IEEE Globecom 2011, 5-9 December 2011, Houston, Texas, USA, IEEE.

Blake, Edwin H (2004) An Extended Platter Metaphor for Effective Reconfigurable Network Visualization, Proceedings of Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Information Visualisation --- IV04, July 2004, London, 752-757, IEEE Computer Society.

Chavula, Josiah and Suleman, Hussein and Bagula, Antoine and Feamster, Nick (2014) Quantifying the Effects of Circuitous Routes on the Latency of Intra-Africa Internet Traffic: A Study of Research and Education Networks, Proceedings of 6th International Conference on e-Infrastructure and e-Services for Developing Countries (AFRICOMM), November 2014, Kampala, Uganda.

Chavula, Josiah and Suleman, Hussein and Densmore, Melissa (2016) Using SDN and Reinforcement Learning for Traffic Engineering in UbuntuNet Alliance, Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communication Engineering (ICACCE 2016), 28-29 November 2016, Durban, South Africa.

Chavula, Dr Josiah and Phokeer, Mr Amreesh and Calandro, Dr Enrico (2018) Internet development in Africa: a content use, hosting and distribution perspective, Proceedings of International Conference on e-Infrastructure and e-Services for Developing Countries, 29 November 2018, Dakar, Senegal, 131-141, Springer, Cham.

Chavula, Dr Josiah and Phokeer, Mr Amreesh and Calandro, Dr Enrico (2018) Performance barriers to cloud services in Africa's public sector: A latency perspective, Proceedings of International Conference on e-Infrastructure and e-Services for Developing Countries, 29 November 2018, Dakar, Senegal, 152-163, Springer, Cham.

Chavula, Dr Josiah and Phokeer, Mr Amreesh and Formoso, Mr Agustin and Feamster, Prof. Nick (2017) Insight Into Africa’s Country-level Latencies, Proceedings of IEEE AFRICON, Cape Town, 938-944, IEEE.

Chavula, Dr Josiah and Phokeer, Mr Amreesh and Formoso, Mr Agustin and Feamster, Prof. Nick (2017) An insight into Africa’s country-level latencies, Proceedings of IEEE AFRICON 2017, 18-20 September 2017, Cape Town, IEEE.

Chavula, Mr Josiah and Densmore, Dr Melissa and Suleman, Prof Hussein (2015) Reducing Latency in African NRENs Using Performance-based LISP/SDN Traffic Engineering, Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Networks & Communications (NETCOM 2015), 26 December 2015, Sydney, Australia, 83-98.

Chissungo, Edmundo and Le, Hanh and Blake, Edwin (2010) An Electronic Health Application for Disaster Recovery, Proceedings of SoICT '10: Proceedings of the 2010 Symposium on Information and Communication Technology, August 27-28, Hanoi, Vietnam, 134-138.

Chissungo, Mr Edmundo and Blake, Professor Edwin and Le, Dr Hanh (2011) Investigation into BATMANd-0.3.2 Protocol Performance in an Indoor Mesh Potato Testbed, Proceedings of South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, September, Cape Town, South Africa, 267-270, ACM.

Chissungo, Mr Edmundo and Blake, Professor Edwin and Le, Dr Hanh (2011) Investigation into Batman-adv Protocol Performance in an Indoor Mesh Potato Testbed, Proceedings of Third International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative System, December, Fukuoka, Japan, 8-13.

Formoso, Mr Agustin and Chavula, Dr Josiah and Phokeer, Mr Amreesh and Sathiaseelan, Dr Arjuna and Tyson, Dr Gareth (2018) Deep Diving into Africa’s Inter-Country Latencies, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 15-19 April 2018, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Hadzic, Dr Senka and Phokeer, Mr Amreesh and Johnson, Dr David (2016) TownshipNet: A Localized Hybrid TVWS-WiFi and Cloud Services Network, Proceedings of 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS), 20-22 October 2016, Trivandrum, Kerala, India.

Johnson, Dr David and Zlobinsky, Ms Natasha and Lysko, Dr Albert and Lamola, Ms Magdeline and Hadzic, Dr Senka and Maliwatu, Mr Richard (2016) Head to Head Battle of TV White Space and WiFi for Connecting Developing Regions, Proceedings of 8th EAI International Conference on e‐Infrastructure and e‐Services for Developing Countries (AFRICOMM 2016), 6-7 December 2016, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

Johnson, Dr David L. and Stam, Gertjan Van (2016) The Shortcomings of Globalised Internet Technology in Southern Africa, Proceedings of 8th EAI International Conference on e‐Infrastructure and e‐Services for Developing Countries (AFRICOMM 2016), 6-7 December 2016, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

Kamkuemah, Miss Martha and Le, Dr Hanh (2013) Routing in Mobile Phone Ad Hoc Networks, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Computation Intelligence, Communication Systems and Networks, 5-7 June 2013, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain.

Kamkuemah, Miss Martha and Le, Dr Hanh (2013) A Study of Different Routing Protocols for Mobile Phone Ad Hoc Networks Connected Via Bluetooth, Proceedings of UKSim-AMSS 15th International Conference on Modelling and Simulation, 10-12 April 2013, Cambridge University, Emmanuel College.

Lamola, Ms Mokwape M. and Johnson, Dr David and Lysko, Dr Albert A. and Zlobinsky, Ms Natasha (2016) TVWS Devices Spectrum Mask Test and Analysis, Proceedings of Southern Africa Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC 2016), 4-7 September 2016, George, South Africa.

Le, Dr Hanh and Hoang, Prof Doan and Poliah, Mr Ravi (2008) S-Web: an efficient and self-organizing Wireless Sensor Network Model, Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems, Sept. 1 - 5, 2008, Turin, Italy.

Le, Dr Hanh and Schiff, Ms Nina and du Plessis, Mr Johan and Hoang, Prof Doan (2008) A Pervasive Tele-health System for continual and low intrusive monitoring using Peer-to-Peer Networks, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Information Technology and Applications, 23-26 June 2008, Cairns Australia.

Le, Dr Hanh and Scholtz, Mr Andre and Potgieter, Dr Anet (2009) A structured framework for agents to facilitate intelligent Wireless Sensor Networks, Proceedings of The 12th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems, 19-21 August 2009, Indianapolis, USA.

Le, Dr Hanh and Takizawa, Professor Makoto (2010) A hybrid technique for efficient Medium Access Control in Wireless Sensor Networks, Proceedings of IEEE Advanced Information Networking and Applications, 20-23 April, Perth, Australia.

Machaka, P and A, Bagula and N, De Wet (2012) A Highly Scalable Monitoring Tool for Wi-Fi Networks, Proceedings of 2012 IEEE 1st International Symposium on Wireless Systems within the Conferences on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems, September 20-21, 2012, Offenburg, Germany, 102-107, IEEE.

Machaka, Mr P and Bagula, Dr A and De Wet, N (2011) A Highly Scalable Monitoring Tool for Wi-Fi Networks, Proceedings of SATNAC 2011, 4-7 September, 2011, East London Convention Center.

Machaka, Pheeha and Mabande, Takudzwa and Bagula, Dr Antoine (2011) Monitoring of a Large Wi-Fi Hotspots Network: Performance Investigation of Soft Computing Techniques, Proceedings of Bionetics 2011, 5-6 December 2011, York, England, Springer.

Machaka, Mr Pheeha and Bagula, Dr Antoine (2011) Preemptive Performance Monitoring of a Large Network of Wi-Fi Hotspots: An Artificial Immune System, Proceedings of WIRED/WIRELESS INTERNET COMMUNICATIONS 2011, June 15-17, 2011, Vilanova i la Geltrú, Spain, 6649, 494-504, Springer.

Maliwatu, Mr Richard and Lysko, Prof. Albert and Johnson, Dr David (2016) Exploring RSSI Dependency on Height in UHF for Throughput Optimisation, Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Computing & Communication Engineering (ICACCE), 28 November 2016, Durban, South Africa.

Maliwatu, Mr Richard and Zlobinsky, Ms Natasha and Densmore, Dr Melissa and Johnson, Dr David (2016) A Road Map for Wireless Mesh Routing with DSA, Proceedings of Southern Africa Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC 2016), 4-7 September 2016, George, South Africa.

Maliwatu, Mr Richard and Lysko, Dr Albert and Johnson, Dr David and Hadzic, Dr Senka (2016) A Correlation between RSSI and Height in UHF Band and Comparison of Geolocation Spectrum Database View of TVWS with Ground Truth., Proceedings of 8th EAI International Conference on e‐Infrastructure and e‐Services for Developing Countries (AFRICOMM 2016), 6-7 December 2016, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

Mazandu, Mr Gaston and Bagula, Dr Antoine and Wosinka, Lena (2008) Impairment Aware Multi-Path Routing in GMPLS-Based Networks, Proceedings of Optical Fiber Communications Conference OFC/NFOEC 2008, March 2008, Los Angeles/USA, OSA.

Mokhesi, Mr L. and Bagula, Dr A. (2010) Personalised Handoff Decision for Seamless Roaming in Next Generation of Wireless Networks, Proceedings of CNSM 2010, October 2010, Canada, 362-365, IEEE.

Mokhesi, Mr Lekometsa and Bagula, Dr Antoine (2009) Context-Aware Handoff Decision for Wireless Access Networks using Bayesian Networks, Proceedings of Conference of Southern African Institute for Computer Scientists and Information Technologists (SAICSIT), October 2009, Johannesbourg, South Africa, ACM International Conference Proceedings Series.

Muyingi, Prof Hypolite and Bagula, Dr Antoine (2008) Broadband Optical Backbone for Long-Distance HVDC Power Utility Network, Proceedings of BroadComm’2008 Conference, November 2008, Pretoria/South Africa, IEEE Procedings, IEEE.

Nyirenda, Mayumbo and Suleman, Hussein (2008) X-Switch: A Secure, Multi-User, Language-Independent Web Application Server, Proceedings of CARI 2008, October 2008, Rabat, Morrocco.

Osunmakinde, Mr Isaac O and Bagula, Dr Antoine (2009) Emerging Situation Awareness of Drivable Routes for Autonomous Robots Using Temporal probabilistic Reasoning, Proceedings of 14th IASTED International Conference on Robotics and Applications, 2-4 November 2009, Cambridge, Massachussets, USA, 14th IASTEDProceedings of the 14th IASTED International Conference on Robotics and Applications, November 2009, 664.

Phokeer, Mr Amreesh and Densmore, Dr Melissa and Johnson, Dr David and Feamster, Prof. Nick (2016) A First Look At Mobile Internet Use in Township Communities in South Africa, Proceedings of 7th ACM Symposium on Computing and Development (ACM DEV 2016), 18-20 November 2016, Nairobi, Kenya.

Phokeer, Mr Amreesh and Aina, Alain and Johnson, Dr David (2016) DNS Lame delegations: A case-study of public reverse DNS records in the African Region, Proceedings of 8th EAI International Conference on e‐Infrastructure and e‐Services for Developing Countries (AFRICOMM 2016), 6-7 December 2016, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

Phokeer, Mr Amreesh and Johnson, Dr David and Densmore, Dr Melissa (2016) Characterisation of Mobile Data Usage in Township Communities, Proceedings of Southern Africa Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC 2016), 4-7 September 2016, George, South Africa.

Salami, Mr O and Chan, Prof H A and Bagula, Dr A (2009) Link and Route Availability for Inter-working Multi-hop Wireless Networks, Proceedings of IEEE NGWMN 2009 workshop, September 2009, Vienna, Austria, IEEE proceedings.

Salami, Mrs O. and Bagula, Dr A. and Chan, Prof A. (2010) A Model for Interference on Links in Inter-working Multi-hop Wireless Networks, Proceedings of AST/UCMA/ISA/ACN 2010, 6059, 264-278, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

Salami, Mrs O. and Bagula, Dr A. and Chan, Prof A. (2010) A framework for Connectivity in Inter-working Multi-hop Wireless Networks, Proceedings of ruSMART/NEW2AN 2010, 2010, 6294, 335-352, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

Salami, Ms Oladaya and Chan, Prof Anthony and Bagula, Dr Antoine (2008) Multi-layer Resource Optimization and QoS guarantee for Inter-working Wireless Networks, Proceedings of BroadComm’2008 Conference, November 2008, Pretoria/South Africa, IEEE Procedings, IEEE.

Salami, Mrs Oladayo and Bagula, Dr Antoine and Chan, Prof Anthony (2009) A Connectivity Model for Inter-working Multi-hop Wireless Networks, Proceedings of Southern African Telecommunicons Networks and Applicatiation Conference (SATNAC 2009), September 2009.

Salami, Mrs Oladayo and Chan, Prof Anthony and Bagula, Dr Antoine (2009) Analysis of Route Availability in Inter-working Multi-hop Wireless Networks, Proceedings of IEEE BROADCOM 2009, July 2009, Wroclaw, Poland, IEEE.

Sanby, Roslyn and Suleman, Hussein and Chavula, Josiah (2016) Efficient topology discovery for African NRENs, Proceedings of IST-Africa 2016 Conference, 11-13 May 2016, Durban, South Africa, IEEE.

Sen, Rijurekha and Pirzada, Hasnain Ali and Phokeer, Amreesh and Farooq, Zaid Ahmed and Sengupta, Satadal and Choffnes, David and Gummadi, Krishna P. (2016) On the Free Bridge Across the Digital Divide: Assessing the Quality of Facebook’s Free Basics Service, Proceedings of 2016 Internet Measurement Conference (ACM IMC 2016), 14-16 November 2016, Santa Monica, California, USA, 127-133, ACM.

Sibanda, Clifford and Bagula, Antoine (2012) Network Selection for Mobile Nodes in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks using Knapsack Problem Dynamic Algorithms, Proceedings of Telecommunications forum TELFOR, 20-22 November 2012, Belgrade, Serbia, 1-4, IEEE.

Suleman, Hussein (2006) Parallelising Harvesting, Proceedings of 9th International Conference on the Asian Digital Library, 27-30 November 2006, Kyoto, Japan.

Takyi, Mr Augustine and Densmore, Dr Melissa and Hadzic, Dr Senka and Johnson, Dr David (2017) Performance analysis of a collaborative DSA-based network with malicious nodes, Proceedings of 9th EAI International conference on e-Infrastructure & e-Services for developing countries (AFRICOMM), 11-12 December 2017, Lagos, Nigeria.

Takyi, Mr Augustine and Densmore, Dr Melissa and Hadzic, Dr Senka and Johnson, Dr David (2017) Performance analysis of a collaborative DSA-based network with malicious nodes, Proceedings of 9th EAI International Conference on e‐Infrastructure and e‐Services for Developing Countries (AFRICOMM 2017), 11-12 December 2017, Lagos, Nigeria, Springer.

Takyi, Mr Augustine and Densmore, Dr Melissa and Johnson, Dr David (2016) Collaborative Neighbour Monitoring in TV White Space Network, Proceedings of Southern Africa Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC 2016), 4-7 September 2016, George, South Africa.

Yang, Chantal and Suleman, Hussein and Chavula, Josiah (2016) A Topology Visualisation Tool for National Research and Education Networks in Africa, Proceedings of IST-Africa 2016 Conference, 11-13 May 2016, Durban, South Africa, IEEE.

Zennaro, Mr M and Bagula, Dr A (2009) Design of a flexible and reliable gateway to collect sensor data in intermittent power environments, Proceedings of IEEE ICCCN2009, IEEE ICCCN, IEEE.

Zennaro, Mr M and Dogan, Mr G and Cao, Mr Z and Bahader, Mr M and Ntareme, Mr H and Bagula, Dr A (2009) On the design of a Water Quality Wireless Sensor Network (WQWSN): an Application to Water Quality Monitoring in Malawi, Proceedings of IEEE NGWMN 2009, September 2009, Vienna, Austria, IEEE NGWMN, IEEE.

Zennaro, Dr M. and Bagula, Dr A. and Gascon, Mr D. and Bielsa, Mr. A. (2010) Long Distance Wireless Sensor Networks: simulation vs reality, Proceedings of NSDR ’10, San Francisco, California, USA, ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-0193-0.

Zennaro, Dr M. and Bagula, Dr A. and Gascon, Mr D. and Bielsa, Mr. A. (2010) Planning and Deploying Long Distance Wireless Sensor Networks:The Integration of Simulation and Experimentation, Proceedings of ADHOC-NOW 2010, 6288, 191-204, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

Zennaro, Marco and Pietrosemoli, Ermanno and Bagula, Antoine and Nleya, Sindiso (2012) On the Relevance of Using Affordable Tools for White Spaces Identification, Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on Community Networks and Bottom-up-Broadband (CNBuB), 8 October 2012, Barcelona, Spain.

Zennaro, Mr Marco and Ntareme, Mr Herve and Bagula, Dr Antoine (2008) Experimental Evaluation of Temporal and Energy Characteristics of an Outdoor Sensor Network, Proceedings of PAWN-08 Workshop, September 2008, ILAN, TAIWAN, ACM/IET/ICST Proceedings, ACM.

Zennaro, Marco and Bagula, Antoine and Nkoloma, Mayamiko (2012) From Training to Projects: Wireless Sensor Networks in Africa, Proceedings of Global humanitarian Technology conference (GHTC), 21-24 October, Seattle, Washington USA.

Zlobinsky, Ms Natasha and Johnson, Dr David (2016) Work In Progress:A Channel Selection Algorithm for a TVWS Mesh Network, Proceedings of Southern Africa Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC 2016), 4-7 September 2016, George, South Africa.

Conference poster

Chissungo, Mr Edmundo and Blake, Professor Edwin and Le, Dr Hanh (2011) Performance Comparison of BATMANd and BATMAN-adv, Proceedings of The Southern Africa Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference, September, PE, South Africa, 250-250.

Landman, Mr Jesse and Kritzinger, Professor Pieter (2004) DS-CDMA Fading Channels with Bursty IP Traffic Arrivals, Proceedings of WiOpt 2004, 24-26 March 2004, Cambridge, England.

Lumpa, Mushashu and Munyaradzi, Ngoni and Suleman, Hussein (2011) Interconnecting DSpace and LOCKSS, Proceedings of International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL) 2011, 26-28 September 2011, Berlin, Germany, 493-496, Springer.

Mburu, Ms Christine Wanjiru and Joolay, Dr Yaseen and Densmore, Dr Melissa (2019) The NICU Design Toolbox: Co-design through Empathic Relationship Building, Proceedings of Second Conference on Computing & Sustainable Societies (COMPASS 2019), 3-7 July 2019, Accra, Ghana, 2, 1-3, ACM New York.

Vigil, Morgan and Johnson, Dr David and Belding, Elizabeth (2016) Localised Content for Village Schools, Proceedings of The International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MOBISYS 2016), 26-30 June 2016, Singapore.

Zennaro, Mr M and Scott, Mr S and Inggs, Mr G and Ntareme, Mr H and Bagula, Dr A (2009) On the relevance of Open Wireless sensors for NGN, Proceedings of ITU-T Kaleidoscope.

Technical report

Asherson, Mr. Stephen and Kritzinger, Prof. Pieter and Pileggi, Mr. Paolo (2007) Wireless Standards and Mesh Networks., CS07-02-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Baving, Miss Tracy and Cook, Mr Donald and Green, Mr Trevor (2003) Integrating the Educational Enterprise, CS03-11-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Chikomo, Mr Kelvin and Chong, Mr Ming Ki and Arnab, Mr Alapan and Hutchison, Dr Andrew (2006) Security of Mobile Banking, CS06-05-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Forconi, Sonia and Iazeolla, Giuseppe and Kritzinger, Pieter and Pillegi, Paolo (2008) Modelling Internet Workloads for IEEE 802.16, CS08-03-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Landman, Mr Jesse (2003) Modelling a DS-CDMA fading Channel with Bursty Traffic Arrivals, CS04-02-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

MacGregor, Prof. K.J. and de Wet, Mr. N.D. and Yazdani, Mr. N. and Lam, Ms. B. (2002) Wireless Application Middleware, CS02-11-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Mona, Mr. Kutloisiso and Asherson, Mr. Stephen and Valodia, Mr. Trishan (2005) Distributed Office Applications for Linux PDA, CS05-11-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Pileggi, Paolo and Iazeolla, Giuseppe and Kritzinger, Pieter (2009) The IEEE802.16d Fixed WMAN – a definitive description of the network to be simulated, CS09-01-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Reabow, Mr Justin and Pillay, Mr Darryl (2004) Caching of XML Web Services to Support Disconnected Operation, CS04-09-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Symington, Andrew and Kritzinger, Pieter (2009) A Hardware Test Bed for Measuring IEEE 802.11g DCF Performance, CS09-02-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Walters, Lourens O and Kritzinger, Pieter S (2002) Email Message Interarrival Time Analysis, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Journal article (online only)

Adamatsky, Andrew and Kayem, Anne V.D.M. (2011) Biological Evaluation of Trans-African Highways, European Physical Journal (EPJ) Special Issue: Spatially Embedded Complex Networks.

Bagula, Dr A. (2010) Modelling and Implementation of QoS in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Multi-constrained Traffic Engineering Model, Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2010, Eurasip.

Bagula, Dr A. and Osunmakinde, Dr I. and Zennaro, Dr M. (2010) On the Relevance of Using Bayesian Belief Networks in Wireless Sensor Networks Situation Recognition, Sensors, 10, MDPI.

Journal article (paginated)

Bagula, Antoine and Zennaro, Marco and Inggs, Gordon and Scott, Simon and Gascon, David (2012) Ubiquitous Sensor Networking for Development (USN4D):An Application to Pollution Monitoring, Sensors MDPI Open Acess Journals, 12, 391-414, Sensors MDPI Journals.

Bagula, Dr Antoine (2009) Improving The Resilience of Emerging Generation GMPLS Networks, IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communication and Networking, 1, A56-A68, IEEE.

Bagula, Dr Antoine and Inggs, Mr Gordon and Scott, Mr Simon and Zennaro, Mr Marco (2009) On The Relevance of Using Open Wireless Sensor Networks in Environment Monitoring, Sensors, 9, 4845-4868, MDPI.

Bello, Oladayo and Bagula, Antoine and Chan, H.Anthony (2012) Multilayer Traffic Engineering in Interworking Multihop wireless networks, Network Protocols and Algorithms (Macrothink Institute), 4, 5-29.

Benz, Mr Pierre and Blake, Prof Edwin (2015) Sharing the cloudlet: Impression management and designing for colocated mobile sharing, Information Technologies & International Development, 11, 1-16, USC Annenberg Press.

Kayem, Dr Anne V.D.M. and Martin, Prof Patrick and Akl, Prof. Selim G. (2011) Enhancing Identity Trust in Cryptographic Key Management Systems for Dynamic Environments, Wiley's Security and Communication Networks Journal, 4, 74-94, Wiley.

Le, Dr Hanh and Schiff, Ms Nina and du Plessis, Mr Johan and Hoang, Prof Doan (2009) A Pervasive Tele-health System for continual and low intrusive monitoring using Peer-to-Peer Networks, International Journal Computer Applications in Technology, 5th International Conference on Information Technology and Applications, 23-26 June 2008, Cairns Australia, 34, 330-334, InderScience.

Lukell, Mr Simon and Hutchison, Dr Andrew CM (2003) Attack Analysis of Cryptographic Protocols Using Strand Spaces, South African Computer Journal, 31, 25-32.

Mafuta, Million and Zennaro, Marco and Bagula, Antoine and Ault, Graham and Gombachika, Harry and Chadza, Timothy (2013) Successful Deployment of a Wireless Sensor Network for Precision Agriculture in Malawi, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2013, 1-13, Hindawi Publishing Corporation.

Salami, Mrs O. and Bagula, Dr A. and Chan, Prof A. (2010) Evaluation of Interference in Interworking Multi-hop Wireless Network, International Journal of Security and Its Application, 4.

Salami, Mrs O. and Bagula, Dr A. and Chan, Prof A. (2010) Framework for link reliability in inter-working multi-hop wireless networks, Elsevier Mathematical and Computer Modelling.

Salami, Mrs O. and Bagula, Dr A. and Chan, Prof A. (2010) Route Availability model for Inter-working multi-hop wireless networks, Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications, 56, 185-190.

Zennaro, Dr M. and Bagula, Dr A. (2010) Design of a flexible and robust gateway to collect sensor data in intermittent power environments, International Journal of Sensor Networks, 8.

Newspaper or Magazine article

Walters, Lourens O and Kritzinger, Pieter S (2000) Cellular Networks: Past, Present, and Future, ACM Crossroads Student Magazine.

Electronic thesis or dissertation

Balluck, Ashwinkoomarsing (2007) Optimising Information Retrieval from the Web in Low-bandwidth Environments, MPhil.

Chissungo, Edmundo B.F. (2013) Routing Protocols for Meshed Communication, Networks Targeting Communication Quality of Service (QoS) in Rural Areas, MSc.

Cooke, Mr Richard J. E. (2006) Link prediction and link detection in sequences of large social networks using temporal and local metrics, MSc.

Maliwatu, Richard (2014) Ubiquitous Mesh Networking: application to mobile communication and information dissemination in a rural context, MSc.

Martin, Jarred (2014) Hybrid RFID Sensors: Design, Implementation and Application, MSc.

Mokhesi, Mr Lekometsa (2010) Context-Aware Handoff Support for Wireless Access Networks, MSc.

Mullins, Taariq (2014) Participatory Cloud Computing: The Community Cloud Management Protocol, MSc.

Mwebaze, Mr A. (2010) Design of an intelligent parking system using Wireless sensors and Multiprotocol Label Switching, MSc.

Ngqakaza, Lutando (2014) Multi-Layered Security in the Internet of the Things, MSc.

Nyirenda, Mayumbo (2008) Universal Web Application Server, MSc.

Parker, Mr Christopher P (2009) A lightweight interface to local Grid scheduling systems, MSc.

Pileggi, Paolo (2009) Cross-Layer RaCM Design for Vertically Integrated Wireless Networks, MSc.

Tucker, Dr William D. (2009) Softbridge: a socially aware framework for communication bridges over digital divides, PhD.

Tuyishimire, Emmanuel (2014) Internet of Things: Least Interference Beaconing Algorithms, MSc.

de Wet, Mr Nico (2005) Model Driven Communication Protocol Engineering and Simulation based Performance Analysis using UML 2.0, MSc.

This list was generated on Wed Feb 12 20:15:33 2025 SAST.