Items where Year is 2020

Group by: Item Type | Authors | No Grouping
Number of items: 56.

Book chapter

Baker, Clayton Kevin and Denny, Claire and Freund, Paul and Meyer, Thomas (2020) Cognitive Defeasible Reasoning: the Extent to Which Forms of Defeasible Reasoning Correspond with Human Reasoning, Artificial Intelligence Research: First Southern African Conference for AI Research, SACAIR 2020 Muldersdrift, South Africa, Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1342, Springer.

Farao, Jaydon and Burse, Monet and Densmore, Melissa and Mthoko, Hafeni (2020) Stakeholder Relations and Ownership of a Community Wireless Network: The Case of iNethi, Innovations and Interdisciplinary Solutions for Underserved Areas, 321, Springer.

Nitschke, G (2020) Automating Automation: Lessons from R.U.R about the Future of Evolutionary Robotics, Robot 100, VŠCHT Praha.

Paterson-Jones, Guy and Casini, Giovanni and Meyer, Thomas (2020) A Boolean Extension of KLM-Style Conditional Reasoning, First Southern African Conference for AI Research, SACAIR 2020 Muldersdrift, South Africa, Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1342, Springer.

Conference proceedings

Keet, C. Maria and Dumontier, Michel (2020) Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management -- 22nd International Conference, EKAW 2020, Bolzano, Italy, September 16-20, 2020, Proceedings, EKAW 2020, September 2020, Bolzano, LNAI, 12387, Springer.

Borgwardt, Stefan and Meyer, Thomas (2020) Proceedings of the 33rd International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2020), 33rd International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2020), 12-14 September, Online, 2663, CEUR.

Conference paper

Acton, S and Abramowitz, S and Toledo, L and Nitschke, E (2020) Efficiently Coevolving Deep Neural Networks and Data Augmentations, Proceedings of IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (IEEE SSCI 2020).

Almukhaylid, Maryam and Suleman, Hussein (2020) Socially-Motivated Discussion Forum Models for Learning Management Systems, Proceedings of Conference of the South African Institute for Computer Scientists and Information Technologists Conference (SAICSIT)SAICSIT 2020), 14-16 September 2020, Virtual, 1-11, Association for Computing Machinery.

Anyango, Jecton Tocho and Suleman, Hussein (2020) Designing Programming Games for Diversity in Teaching Introductory Programming, Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Southern African Computer Lecturers’ Association (SACLA), 6-9 July 2020, Virtual.

Balekaki, Gerald Nathan and Kuttel, Michelle and Berman, Sonia and Blyth, Sarah and Schroeder, Anja (2020) Performance evaluation of an integrated RFI database for the MeerKAT/SKA radio telescope, Proceedings of Annual Conference of the South African Institute for Computer Scientists and Information Technologists (SAICSIT 2020), 14-16 September 2020, Cape Town, South Africa, Association for Computing Machinery.

Casini, Giovanni and Meyer, Thomas and Varzinczak, Ivan (2020) Rational Defeasible Belief Change, Proceedings of Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2020), 12-18 September, Online, 213-222, IJCAI Organization.

Chavula, Catherine and Suleman, Hussein (2020) Intercomprehension in Retrieval: User Perspectives on Six Related Scarce Resource Languages, Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR), 13-14 August 2020, Virtual, 263-272, Association for Computing Machinery.

Clark, A and Pillay, AW and Moodley, D (2020) A system for pose analysis and selection in virtual reality environments, Proceedings of SAICSIT '20: Conference of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists 2020, 14-16 September, 2020, ACM.

Farao, Jaydon and Burse, Monet and Mthoko, Hafeni and Densmore, Melissa (2020) Stakeholder Relations and Ownership of a Community Wireless Network: The Case of iNethi, Proceedings of Interdisciplinary Solutions, March 2020, Kenya, Springer International Publishing.

Fillottrani, Pablo R and Keet, C. Maria (2020) An analysis of commitments in ontology language design, Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems 2020 (FOIS'20), September 2020, Bolzano, FAIA, 330, 46-60, IOS Press.

Furman, G and Nitschke, G (2020) Evolving an Artificial Creole, Proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2020).

Gruetter, R and Keet, CM (2020) Towards a Framework for Meaning Negotiation and Conflict Resolution in Ontology Authoring, Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Biomedical Ontologies (ICBO'20), 16-19 Sept 2020, Bolzano, Italy and online, CEUR-WS, 2807, 12.

Hallauer, S and Nitschke, G (2020) Energy and Complexity in Evolving Collective Robot Bodies and Brains, Proceedings of IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE CEC 2020).

Hallauer, S and Nitschke, G (2020) The Expense of Neuro-Morpho Functional Machines, Proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2020).

Holtzman, Ari and Buys, Jan and Du, Li and Forbes, Maxwell and Choi, Yejin (2020) The Curious Case of Neural Text Degeneration, Proceedings of International Conference on Learning Representations, 26 April - 1 May 2020, Online.

Huang, A and Nitschke, G (2020) Automating Coordinated Autonomous Vehicle Control, Proceedings of International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2020).

Huang, A and Nitschke, G (2020) Evolutionary Automation of Coordinated Autonomous Vehicles, Proceedings of IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE CEC 2020).

Isah, Musab and Phokeer, Amreesh and Chavula, Josiah and Elmokashfi, Ahmed and Asrese, Alemnew (2020) State of Internet Measurement in Africa - A Survey, Proceedings of AFRICOMM 2019, 11th EAI International Conference on e‐Infrastructure and e‐Services for Developing Countries, 3-4 December 2019, Porto Novo, Benin, 311, Springer, Cham.

Kaliski, Adam and Meyer, Thomas (2020) Quo Vadis KLM-style Defeasible Reasoning?, Proceedings of Proceedings of the First Southern African Conference for Artificial Intelligence Research, 22-26 February 2021, Online, 231-246, SACAIR.

Keet, C. Maria (2020) The computer program as a functional whole, Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems 2020 (FOIS'20), September 2020, Bolzano, FAIA, 330, 216-230, IOS Press.

Lamola, Mokwape M and Johnson, David L and Lysko, Albert A and Maliwatu, Richard and Densmore, Melissa (2020) Performance Analysis of Dual 5 GHz WiFi and UHF TV White Space Network Links, Proceedings of 2019 IEEE 2nd Wireless Africa Conference (WAC), 18-20 Aug 2019, Pretoria, South Africa, IEEE.

Mbewe, Enock and Chavula, Josiah (2020) On Performance Impact of DoH and DoT in Africa: Why a User’s DNS choice matters, Proceedings of e-Infrastructure and e-Services for Developing Countries (AFRICOMM), 3-4 December, Mauritious.

Meyer, Kelvin and Suleman, Hussein (2020) Answering Student Programming Questions using Domain-specific Search, Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Southern African Computer Lecturers’ Association (SACLA), 6-9 July 2020, Virtual.

Paterson-Jones, Guy and Casini, Giovanni and Meyer, Thomas (2020) BKLM - An expressive logic for defeasible reasoning, Proceedings of 18th INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON NON-MONOTONIC REASONING, 12-14 September, Onlone, 170-178.

Pitcher, Courtney and Marais, Patrick and Darlow, Luke (2020) Matching Fingerprints with a Toroidal Iterative Closest Point Algorithm, Proceedings of Conference of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, 14-16 September, Cape Town, 51-57, ACM.

Rautenbach, J. George and Keet, C. Maria (2020) Toward equipping Artificial Moral Agents with multiple ethical theories, Proceedings of RobOntics: International Workshop on Ontologies for Autonomous Robotics, September, CEUR-WS.

Toussaint, W and Moodley, D (2020) Identifying optimal clustering structures for residential energy consumption patterns using competency questions, Proceedings of SAICSIT '20: Conference of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists 2020, 14-16 September 2020, ACM.

Wanyana, T and Moodley, D and Meyer, T (2020) An Ontology for Supporting Knowledge Discovery and Evolution, Proceedings of Southern African Conference for Artificial Intelligence Research, 22 - 26 February 2021, Online Digital Conference, 206-221, SACAIR 2020.

Wanyana, Tezira and Moodley, Deshen and Meyer, Thomas (2020) An Ontology for Supporting Knowledge Discovery and Evolution, Proceedings of Proceedings of the First Southern African Conference for Artificial Intelligence Research, 22-26 February 2021, Online, 206-221, SACAIR.

Conference poster

Phokeer, Amreesh and Hadzic, Senka and Nitschke, Eric and Van Zyl, Andre and Johnson, David and Densmore, Melissa (2020) INethi Community Network: A First Look at Local and Internet Traffic Usage, Proceedings of ACM Computing and Sustainable Society, Ecuador, COMPASS '20, Association for Computing Machinery.

Journal article (online only)

Chingoma, Julian and Meyer, Thomas (2020) Defeasibility applied to Forrester’s paradox, South African Computer Journal, 32, SAICSIT.

Colusso, Lucas and Densmore, Melissa (2020) Translation in Conversation, Interactions, 27, ACM.

Harrison, Michael and Meyer, Thomas (2020) DDLV: A system for rational preferential reasoning for Datalog, South African Computer Journal, 32, SAICSIT.

Hlozek, Jason and Owen, Sarah and Ravenscroft, Neil and Kuttel, Michelle M. (2020) Molecular Modeling of the Shigella flexneri Serogroup 3 and 5 O-Antigens and Conformational Relationships for a Vaccine Containing Serotypes 2a and 3a., Vaccines, 8, MDPI.

Keet, C. Maria (2020) The African Wildlife Ontology tutorial ontologies, Journal of Biomedical Semantics, 11.

Kuttel, Michelle M. and Casadevall, Arturo and Oscarson, Stefan (2020) Cryptococcus neoformans capsular GXM conformation and epitope presentation: a molecular modelling study, Molecules, 25, MDPI.

Morris, Matthew and Ross, Tala and Meyer, Thomas (2020) Algorithmic definitions for KLM-style defeasible disjunctive Datalog, South African Computer Journal, 32, SAICSIT.

Potoniec, Jedrzej and Wisniewski, Dawid and Lawrynowicz, Agnieszka and Keet, C. Maria (2020) Dataset of ontology competency questions to SPARQL-OWL queries translations, Data in Brief, 29.

Toussaint, W and Moodley, D (2020) Clustering Residential Electricity Consumption Data to Create Archetypes that Capture Household Behaviour in South Africa, South African Computer Journal, 32, SAICSIT.

Journal article (paginated)

Akher, Farideh Badichi and Farrokhzadeh, Abdolkarim and Ravenscroft, Neil and Kuttel, Michelle (2020) Mechanistic Study of Potent Fluorinated EGFR Kinase Inhibitors with a Quinazoline Scaffold against L858R/T790M/C797S Resistance Mutation: Unveiling the Fluorine Substituents Cooperativity Effect on the Inhibitory Activity., Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 124, 5813–5824, American Chemical Society.

Botha, Leonard and Meyer, Thomas and Penaloza, Rafael (2020) The Probabilistic Description Logic BALC, Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 1-24, Cambridge University Press.

Britz, Katarina and Casini, Giovanni and Meyer, Thomas and Moodley, Kody and Sattler, Uli and Varzinczak, Ivan (2020) Principles of KLM-style Defeasible Description Logics, Transactions on Computational Logic, 1, 1-46, ACM.

Fillottrani, Pablo R. and Jamieson, Stephan and Keet, C. Maria (2020) Connecting knowledge to data through transformations in KnowID: system description, Künstliche Intelligenz, 34, 373-379.

Fillottrani, Pablo R. and Keet, C. Maria (2020) KnowID: An architecture for efficient Knowledge-driven Information and Data access, Data Intelligence, 2, 487-512.

Hlozek, Jason and Ravenscroft, Neil and Kuttel, Michelle M. (2020) Effects of Glucosylation and O-Acetylation on the Conformation of Shigella flexneri Serogroup 2 O-Antigen Vaccine Targets, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 124, 2806−2814, American Chemical Society.

Keet, C. Maria and Khumalo, Langa (2020) Parthood and Part--Whole Relations in Zulu Language and Culture, Applied Ontology, 15, 361-384.

Newspaper or Magazine article

Colusso, Lucas and Densmore, Melissa (2020) Translation in Conversation, Interactions, 27, Association for Computing Machinery.

Moodley, D and Meyer, T (2020) Editorial: Artificial Intelligence — Where it is heading and what we should do about it, Digitale Welt, 4, 3-3, Springer.


Densmore, Melissa and Fiesler, Casey and Munteanu, Cosmin and Muller, Michael and Read, Janet C and Shilton, Katie and Subaşı, Özge (2020) Research Ethics Roundtable, 2020 on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, CSCW '20 Companion, 195-198, ACM.

Moodley, D and Davel, MH (2020) Guest Editorial: FAIR 2019 special issue, South African Computer Journal, 32, SAICSIT.

Electronic thesis or dissertation

Fourie, Alexander Rees (2020) Computational Analysis of Escherichia coli O25 and O25b Carbohydrate Antigens using the CHARMM36 and GLYCAM06 Force Fields, MSc.

This list was generated on Fri Feb 21 19:15:14 2025 SAST.