Items where Year is 2015

Group by: Item Type | Authors | No Grouping
Number of items: 61.

Book chapter

Pallitt, Nicola and Walton, Marion (2015) The scripted sandbox: children's gameplay and ludic gendering., In Critical perspectives on technology and education, 105-126, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Phiri, Lighton and Suleman, Hussein (2015) Managing cultural heritage: information systems architecture, Cultural Heritage Information Access and Management, 113-134, Facet Publishing.

Ruttkamp-Bloem, Prof Emma and Casini, Dr Giovanni and Meyer, Prof Thomas (2015) A Non-classical Logical Foundation for Naturalised Realism, The Logica Yearbook, 249-266, College Publications.

Walton, Marion and Hassreiter, Silke (2015) Real friends and fake friends: Research relationships in an era of global social media, Ethical Quandaries in Social Research., 228-249, Cape Town: Human Sciences Research Council.

Conference proceedings

Stanley, Mr Colin and Winschiers-Theophilus, Dr Heike and Blake, Prof Edwin and Rodil, Mr Kasper and Kapuire, Mr Gereon Koch (2015) OvaHimba Community in Namibia Ventures into Crowdsourcing Design, 13th International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries, 20-22 May, Jetwing Blue, Negombo - Sri Lanka.

Conference paper

Booth, Dr Richard and Casini, Dr Giovanni and Meyer, Prof Thomas and Varzinczak, Prof Ivan (2015) On the Entailment Problem for a Logic of Typicality, Proceedings of Twenty Fourth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 25-31 July 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2805-2811, AAAI Press.

Booth, Dr Richard and Casini, Dr Giovanni and Meyer, Prof Thomas and Varzinczak, Prof Ivan (2015) What Does Entailment for PTL Mean?, Proceedings of Twelfth International Symposium on Logical Formalization on Commonsense Reasoning (Commonsense), 23-25 March 2015, Stanford, California, USA, 39-45, AAAI Press.

Casini, Dr Giovanni and Meyer, Prof Thomas and Moodley, Mr Kody and Sattler, Prof Ulrike and Varzinczak, Prof Ivan (2015) Introducing Defeasibility into OWL Ontologies, Proceedings of 14th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), 11-15 October 2015, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA, 409-426, Springer.

Chavula, Ms. Catherine and Keet, Dr. C. Maria (2015) An Orchestration Framework for Linguistic Task Ontologies, Proceedings of 9th Metadata and Semantics Research Conference (MTSR'15), 9-11 September, 2015, Manchester, UK, 544, 3-14, Springer CCIS.

Chavula, Mr Josiah and Densmore, Dr Melissa and Suleman, Prof Hussein (2015) Reducing Latency in African NRENs Using Performance-based LISP/SDN Traffic Engineering, Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Networks & Communications (NETCOM 2015), 26 December 2015, Sydney, Australia, 83-98.

Fillottrani, Prof. Pablo Ruben and Keet, Dr. C. Maria (2015) Evidence-based Languages for Conceptual Data Modelling Profiles, Proceedings of 19th Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS'15), Sept 8-11, 2015, Poitiers, France, 9282, 215-229, Springer.

Fillottrani, Prof. Pablo Ruben and Keet, Dr. C. Maria and Toman, Prof. David (2015) Polynomial encoding of ORM conceptual models in CFDI_nc^\forall-, Proceedings of 28th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL'15), 7-10 June 2015, Athens, Greece, 1350, 401-414, CEUR-WS.

Haji, Haji Ali and Rivett, Ulrike and Suleman, Hussein (2015) Evaluating the effectiveness of mobile graphic-based reminders to support treatment of tuberculosis patients, Proceedings of 9th International Development Informatics Association Conference (IDIA 2015), November 8-9, 2015, Nungwi, Zanzibar, 189-201.

Haji, Haji Ali and Suleman, Hussein and Rivett, Ulrike (2015) Development of a Mobile Image-Based Reminder Application to Support Tuberculosis Treatment in Africa, Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare (ICWMCH 2015), 20-21 July 2015, Paris, France, 9, 522-529, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology.

Hewland, Jamie and Nitschke, Geoff (2015) The Benefits of Adaptive Behavior and Morphology for Cooperation in Robot Teams, Proceedings of IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (IEEE SSCI 2015), Cape Town, South Africa, 1047-1054, IEEE Press.

Huang, Allen and Shorten, David and Nitschke, Geoff (2015) Searching for Novelty in Pole Balancing, Proceedings of IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE CEC 2015), Sendai, Japan, 1792-1798, IEEE Press.

Keet, Dr. C. Maria (2015) Experiment with Peer Instruction in Computer Science to Enhance Class Attendance, Proceedings of 23rd Annual Meeting of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education (SAARMSTE'15), 13-16 January 2015, Maputo, Mozambique, 319-331.

Keet, Dr. C. Maria and Fillottrani, Prof Pabo Ruben (2015) An analysis and characterisation of publicly available conceptual models, Proceedings of 34th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER'15), 19-22 October, 2015, Stockholm, Sweden, 9381, 585-593, Springer LNCS.

Keet, Dr. C. Maria and Ongoma, Ms. E.A. Nasubo (2015) Temporal Attributes: their Status and Subsumption, Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM'15), 27-30 January, 2015, Sydney, Australia, 165, 61-70, CRPIT.

Khan, Ms Zubeida Casmod and Keet, Dr. C. Maria (2015) Toward a framework for ontology modularity, Proceedings of Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists (SAICSIT'15), 28-30 September 2015, Stellenbosch, South Africa, ACM Proceedings.

Maina, Job King'ori and Suleman, Hussein (2015) Enhancing Digital Heritage Archives Using Gamified Annotations, Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries, 9-12 December 2015, Seoul, South Korea, 169-179, Springer International Publishing.

Malumba, Nkosana and Moukangwe, Katlego and Suleman, Hussein (2015) AfriWeb: A Web Search Engine for a Marginalized Language, Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries, 9-12 December 2015, Seoul, South Korea, 180-189, Springer.

Mbogo, Charity Chao and Blake, Prof Edwin and Suleman, A/Prof Hussein (2015) Scaffolding Java programming on a mobile phone for novice learners, Proceedings of IADIS International Conference on Mobile Learning 2015, 14-16 March, Madeira, Portugal, 3-10.

Mgala, Mr Mvurya and Mbogho, Dr Audrey (2015) Data-Driven Intervention-Level Prediction Modeling for Academic Performance, Proceedings of Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD '15), 15-18 May 2015, Singapore, ACM.

Molapo, Maletšabisa and Densmore, Melissa (2015) How to choose a mobile phone for an ICT4D project, Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD '15), 15-18 May 2015, Singapore, ACM.

Msosa, Mr Yamiko Joseph and Densmore, Dr Melissa and Keet, Dr Maria (2015) Towards an architectural design of a guideline-driven EMR system: A contextual inquiry of Malawi, Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development, 15 May 2015, Singapore.

Mulumba, Mr Patrick and Gain, A/Prof James and Marais, A/Prof Patrick and Woudt, A/Prof Patrick (2015) Scientific Visualization of Radio Astronomy Data using Gesture Interaction., Proceedings of Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXIV (ADASS XXIV), September 2015, 145-145.

Ng'ethe, Mr George G. and Blake, Prof. Edwin H. and Glaser, Ms. Meryl (2015) SignSupport: A Mobile Aid for Deaf People Learning Computer Literacy Skills, Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU), 23-25 May, 2015, Lisbon, Portugal, 2, 501-511, SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications.

Olaleye, Sunkanmi and Suleman, Hussein (2015) Xamobile: Usability Evaluation of Text Input Methods on Mobile Devices for Historical African Languages, Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries, 9-12 December 2015, Seoul, South Korea, 209-214, Springer.

Olojede, Ayodeji and Suleman, Hussein (2015) Investigating Image Processing Algorithms for Navigating Cultural Heritage Spaces using Mobile Devices, Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries, 9-12 December 2015, Seoul, South Korea, 215-224, Springer.

Packham, Sean and Suleman, Hussein (2015) Crowdsourcing a Text Corpus is not a Game, Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries, 9-12 December 2015, Seoul, South Korea, 225-234, Springer.

Perrier, Trevor and Dell, Nicola and DeRenzi, Brian and Anderson, Richard and Kinuthia, John and Unger, Jennifer and John-Stewart, Grace (2015) Engaging Pregnant Women in Kenya with a Hybrid Computer-Human SMS Communication System, Proceedings of CHI '15, April 18 - 23 2015, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 1429-1438.

Perrier, Mr Trevor and DeRenzi, Dr Brian and Anderson, Prof Richard (2015) USSD: The Third Universal App, Proceedings of ACM DEV '15, 1 December 2015, 13-21.

Rens, Dr Gavin and Meyer, Prof Thomas (2015) A New Approach to Probabilistic Belief Change, Proceedings of International Florida AI Research Society Conference, 18-20 May 2015, Hollywood, Florida, USA, 582-587, AAAI Press.

Rens, Dr Gavin and Meyer, Prof Thomas and Lakemeyer, Prof Gerhard (2015) A Modal Logic for the Decision-Theoretic Projection Problem, Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART), 10-12 January, 2015, Lisbon, Portugal, 2, 5-16, SCITEPRESS DIGITAL LIBRARY.

Rens, Dr Gavin and Meyer, Prof Tommie (2015) Hybrid POMDP-BDI: An Agent Architecture with Online Stochastic Planning and Desires with Changing Intensity Levels, Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART), 10-12 January 2015, Lisbon, Portugal, 5-14, SCITEPRESS DIGITAL LIBRARY.

Shorten, David and Nitschke, Geoff (2015) Evolving Generalised Maze Solvers, Proceedings of European Conference on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation (Evostar 2015), Copenhagen, Denmark, 783-794, Springer.

Ssozi-Mugarura, Fiona and Blake, Edwin and Rivett, Ulrike (2015) Designing for Sustainability: Involving Communities in Developing ICT Interventions to Support Water Resource Management, Proceedings of IST-Africa Conference 2015, 6-8 May 2015, Lilongwe, Malawi, 1-8, IEEE Xplore.

Versfeld, Erin and Foster, James and Kuttel, Assoc. Pro Michelle (2015) Comparison of effectiveness of two mobile application designs for encouraging children to read., Proceedings of 2015 Annual Research Conference of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists (SAICSIT 2015), 28-30 September 2015, Stellenbosch, South Africa, ACM.

Wang, Sunrise and Gain, James and Nitschke, Geoff (2015) Controlling Crowd Simulations using Neuro-Evolution, Proceedings of Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, 11-15 July 2015, Madrid, Spain.

Wang, Sunrise and Gain, James and Nitschke, Geoff (2015) Controlling Crowd Simulations using Neuro-Evolution, Proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2015), Madrid, Spain, 353-360, ACM Press.

Watson, James and Nitschke, Geoff (2015) Deriving Minimal Sensory Configurations for Evolved Cooperative Robot Teams, Proceedings of IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE CEC 2015), Sendai, Japan., 3065-3071, IEEE Press.

Watson, James and Nitschke, Geoff (2015) Evolving Robust Robot Team Morphologies for Collective Construction, Proceedings of IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (IEEE SSCI 2015), Cape Town, South Africa, 1039-1046, IEEE Press.

Wyche, Susan P and Densmore, Melissa and Geyer, Brian S (2015) Real mobiles: Kenyan and Zambian Smallholder Farmers' current attitudes towards mobile phones, Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD '15), 15-18 May 2015, Singapore, ACM.

Conference poster

Khan, Ms. Zubeida Casmod and Keet, Dr. C. Maria (2015) SUGOI: Automated Ontology Interchangeability, Proceedings of Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management: EKAW 2014 Satellite Events, 24-28 Nov. 2014, Linkoping, Sweden, 8982, 150-153, Springer LNAI.

Technical report

Kyeyune, Michael J. (2015) IsiXhosa Search Engine Development Report, CS15-01-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Journal article (online only)

Blake, Edwin and Densmore, Melissa and Walton, Marion (2015) Gary Marsden’s Legacy at the University of Cape Town, Information Technology and International Development, 11, USC Annenberg Press.

Journal article (paginated)

Benz, Mr Pierre and Blake, Prof Edwin (2015) Sharing the cloudlet: Impression management and designing for colocated mobile sharing, Information Technologies & International Development, 11, 1-16, USC Annenberg Press.

Gain, James and Merry, Bruce and Marais, Patrick (2015) Parallel, Realistic and Controllable Terrain Synthesis, Computer Graphics Forum, 34, 105-116, Wiley.

Kapuire, Gereon Koch and Winschiers-Theophilus, Heike and Blake, Edwin (2015) An insider perspective on community gains: A subjective account of a Namibian rural communities' perception of a long-term participatory design project, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 74, 124-143, Elsevier.

Keet, Dr. C. Maria and Fillottrani, Prof Pabo Ruben (2015) An ontology-driven unifying metamodel of UML Class Diagrams, EER, and ORM2, Data & Knowledge Engineering, 98, 30-53, Elsevier.

Keet, Dr. C. Maria and Lawrynowicz, Dr. Agnieszka and d'Amato, Dr. Claudia and Kalousis, Dr. Alexandros and Nguyen, Dr. Phong and Palma, Dr. Raul and Stevens, Dr. Robert (2015) The Data Mining OPtimization Ontology, Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web, 32, 43-53, Elsevier.

Khan, Ms. Zubeida Casmod and Keet, Dr. C. Maria (2015) An empirically-based framework for ontology modularization, Applied Ontology, 10, 171-195, IOS Press.

Kuttel, Michelle M. and Jackson, Graham E. and Mafata, Mpho and Ravenscroft, Neil (2015) Capsular polysaccharide conformations in pneumococcal serotypes 19F and 19A, Carbohydrate Research, 406, 27-33, Elsevier.

Perkins, Simon and Marais, Patrick and Swart, Jonathon and Natarajan, Iniyan and Tasse, Cyril and Smirnov, Oleg (2015) Montblanc: GPU accelerated Radio Interferometer Measurement Equations in support of Bayesian Inference for Radio Observations, Astronomy and Computing, 12, 73-85, Elsevier.

Venter, Anja and Walton, Marion (2015) Games and Learning: A perspective on low-income, resource-constrained youth and PC gaming in libraries in Cape Town, South Africa, Computers in Entertainment.

Electronic thesis or dissertation

Badenhorst, Scott (2015) Acceleration of the noise suppression component of the DUCHAMP source-finder., MSc.

Chang, Genevieve (2015) Designing an effective user interface for the Android tablet environment, MSc.

Crause, Justin (2015) Fast, Realistic Terrain Synthesis, MSc.

Mbogo, Charity Chao (2015) Scaffolding Java Programming on a Mobile Phone for Novice Learners, PhD.

Schollar, Christopher (2015) RFI Monitoring for the MeerKAT Radio Telescope, MSc.

This list was generated on Mon Mar 31 15:15:11 2025 SAST.