Items where Year is 2004

Group by: Item Type | Authors | No Grouping
Number of items: 63.

Book chapter

Fox, Edward A. and McMillan, Gail and Suleman, Hussein and Goncalves, Marcos A. and Luo, Ming (2004) Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD), Digital Libraries: Policy Planning and Practice, Ashgate Publishing, Ltd..

Fox, Edward A. and Suleman, Hussein and Madalli, Devika and Cassel, Lillian (2004) Digital Libraries, Practical Handbook of Internet Computing, CRC Press.

Suleman, Hussein (2004) NDLTD Union Catalog Project, Electronic Theses and Dissertations: A Sourcebook for Educators, Students, and Librarians, 73-77, Marcel Dekker, Inc..

Suleman, Hussein and Atkins, Anthony and Goncalves, Marcos A. and France, Robert K. and Fox, Edward A. and Chachra, Vinod and Crowder, Murray and Young, Jeff (2004) Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, Electronic Theses and Dissertations: A Sourcebook for Educators, Students, and Librarians, 49-72, Marcel Dekker Inc..

Conference proceedings

Marsden, Dr G and Kotzé, Prof P and Adesina-Ojo, A (2004) Proceedings SAICSIT 2004, South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists.

Conference paper

Arnab, Mr Alapan and Hutchison, Prof Andrew (2004) Security Considerations for an Idealised DRM Framework, Proceedings of Southern African Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC) 2004, 6 - 8 September 2004, Spier Wine Estate.

Arnab, Mr Alapan and Hutchison, Dr Andrew CM (2004) Digital Rights Management - An Overview of current challenges and solutions, Proceedings of Information Security South Africa (ISSA), 30 June - 2 July, Gallagher Estate, Midrand, South Africa.

Blake, Edwin H (2004) An Extended Platter Metaphor for Effective Reconfigurable Network Visualization, Proceedings of Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Information Visualisation --- IV04, July 2004, London, 752-757, IEEE Computer Society.

Blake, Edwin H and Tucker, William D (2004) Bridging Communications Across the Digital Divide, Proceedings of Proceedings of Social Intelligence Design 2004, 2004, Enschede, Netherlands.

Chetty, Marshini and Tucker, William and Blake, Edwin (2004) Developing locally relevant software applications for rural areas: A South African example, Proceedings of SAICSIT 2004, 239-243, ACM.

Chetty, Miss Marshini and Tucker, Mr William and Blake, Prof Edwin (2004) Telemedicine in the Eastern Cape using VoIP combined with a Store and Forward Approach, Proceedings of Southern African Telecommunication Networks & Applications Conference, Cape Town, South Africa., September, Cape Town.

Consani, Miss Colette (2004) Quality of Service of IEEE 802.11e, Proceedings of Southern African Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC) 2004, 6 - 8 September 2004, Spier Wine Estate.

De Wet, Mr Nico and Kritzinger, Prof Pieter (2004) Towards Model-Based Communication Protocol Performability Analysis with UML 2.0, Proceedings of Southern African Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC) 2004, 6 - 8 September 2004, Spier Wine Estate.

Eyambe, Linda and Suleman, Hussein (2004) A Digital Library Component Assembly Environment, Proceedings of SAICSIT, 4-6 October, Stellenbosch, 15-22, ACM.

Jones, Dr M and Marsden, Dr G (2004) “Please turn ON your mobile phone” – First Impressions of Text-messaging in Lectures, Proceedings of Mobile HCI, 13-16 September, Glasgow, Scotland, 436-440.

Ladeira, Ilda and Blake, Edwin (2004) Virtual San storytelling for children: Content vs. experience, Proceedings of VAST2004: The 5th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, 2004, 223-231.

Lukell, Mr Simon and Hutchison, Prof Andrew (2004) Selection of an Attack-Construction Engine to Enhance Security Protocol Analysis, Proceedings of Southern African Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC) 2004, 6 - 8 September 2004, Spier Wine Estate.

Nirenstein, Dr. Shaun and Blake, Prof Edwin (2004) Hardware Accelerated Visibility Preprocessing using Adaptive Sampling, Proceedings of 15th Eurographics Symposium on Rendering, June 2004, Norrkoping, Sweden, Eurographics Association.

Patel, Mr D and Marsden, Dr G (2004) Customizing Digital Libraries for Small Screen Devices, Proceedings of SAICSIT 2004, 4-6 October 2004, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 234-238.

Patel, Mr D and Marsden, Dr G and Jones, Dr S and Jones, Dr M (2004) An Evaluation of Techniques for Browsing Photograph Collections on Small Displays, Proceedings of Mobile HCI, 13-16 September 2004, Glasgow, Scotland, 132-143.

Ryndina, Miss Oksana and Kritzinger, Prof Pieter (2004) Improving Requirements Specification for Communication Services with Formalised Use Case Models, Proceedings of Southern African Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC) 2004, 6 - 8 September 2004, Spier Wine Estate.

Schroder, Mr R and Bosma, Mr M and Cousins, Mr A and Marsden, Dr G (2004) REVIREN: Augmenting Virtual Environments with Personal Digital Assistants., Proceedings of South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, 4-6 October, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 135-141.

Sergio, Congia and Gaylord, Michael and Merchant, Bhavik and Suleman, Hussein (2004) Applying SOAP to OAI-PMH, Proceedings of 8th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries (ECDL2004), 12-17 September, Bath, UK, 411-420, Springer-Verlag.

Suleman, Hussein (2004) Analysis and Evaluation of Service-Oriented Architectures for Digital Libraries, Proceedings of 6th DELOS Workshop on Digital Library Architecture: Peer-to-Peer, Grid and Service-Orientation, 24-25 June, S. Margherita di Pula, Italy, 163-174.

Tobler, Mr Benjamin and Hutchison, Prof Andrew (2004) Generating Network Security Protocol Implementations from Formal Specifications, Proceedings of IFIP World Computer Congress - CSES 2004 2nd International Workshop on Certification and Security in Inter-Organizational E-Services, 26 - 27 August 2004, Toulouse, France, Kluwer Academic Publisher.

Winterbottom, Ms Cara and Blake, Professor Edwin (2004) Designing a VR Interaction Authoring Tool using Constructivist Practices, Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Virtual Reality, Computer Graphics, Visualization and Interaction in Africa, 3-5 November 2004, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 67-71, ACM Press.

Yang, Mr S and Marsden, Dr G (2004) Eliminating Design and Execute Modes from Virtual Environment Editors, Proceedings of Presence 2004, 13-15 October 2004, Valencia, Spain.

de Wet, Mr Nico and Kritzinger, Prof Pieter (2004) Using UML models for the performance analysis of network systems, Proceedings of ISSRE04 Workshop on Integrated-reliability with Telecommunications and UML Languages (ISSRE04:WITUL), 02 November 2004, IRISA Rennes France.

de Wet, Mr. Nico Dirk and Kritzinger, Prof. Pieter S. (2004) Using UML Models for the Performance Analysis of Network Systems, Proceedings of Workshop on Integrated-reliability with Telecommunications and UML Languages (WITUL), 2 November 2004, Rennes, Brittany, France, SDL Forum Society.

Conference poster

Landman, Mr Jesse and Kritzinger, Professor Pieter (2004) DS-CDMA Fading Channels with Bursty IP Traffic Arrivals, Proceedings of WiOpt 2004, 24-26 March 2004, Cambridge, England.

Technical report

Arnab, Mr Alapan and Hutchison, Dr Andrew (2004) Digital Rights Management - A current review, CS04-04-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Arnab, Mr Alapan and Hutchison, Prof Andrew (2004) Distributed DRM System, CS04-27-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Arnab, Mr Alapan and Hutchison, Prof Andrew (2004) Extending ODRL and XrML to Enable Bi-Directional Communication, CS04-28-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Cooke, Mr R J E and Jedeikin, Mr J M and Lepar, Mr D B (2004) MyWorld: Testing Female Preferred Gaming Criteria, CS04-16-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Dalwai, Mr Afzal and Omar, Mr Muammar (2004) The digitisation of paper-based assessment using e-standards, CS04-23-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Eborn, Mr Ian and Burger, Mr Anton and Kuttel, Dr Michelle and Gain, Dr James (2004) CarboHydra: Rendering Carbohydrate Cartoons, CS04-18-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Fry, Mr Brendan G and Gruijters, Mr Dominic and Reid, Mr Stephen (2004) MISPE – Mobile Information Sharing in the Presentation Environment, CS04-22-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Gilchrist, Mr GF and Melamu, Mr SR and Boltina, Mr M (2004) Linux Peer to Peer File Sharing System, CS04-10-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Goba, Ms Senele and Agasi, Mr Nimrod and Saul, Mr Gareth (2004) Online Course Material Interoperability and Tutorial Module for Moodle, CS04-24-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Hamza, Zaheer and Pnematicatos, Gary and Tip, Nicholas and Marsden, Gary and Marais, Patrick (2004) Virtual Window: A Peephole into another World, CS04-19-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Househam, Mr J.S. and Le roux, Mr D. (2004) Interactive Mixed-media Virtual Environment Prototyping, CS04-17-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

MacGregor, Prof Ken and Kirsten, Mr Martin and Olivier, Mr Mouton (2004) MuttZ: An Interactive Cellphone Game, CS04-26-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Maharaj, Mr Rashin and Bheekun, Mr Shaan (2004) Abalone Harvest Prediction using AI methods, CS04-15-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Maunder, Mr. Andrew and van Rooyen, Mr. Reinhardt (2004) Universal Web Server: The X-Switch System, CS04-20-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Miszka, Mr B and Ryan, Mr G (2004) An Application of Tetrahedrisation to From-Point Visibility, CS04-12-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Mukunyandela, Mr Kumoyo and Ramike, Mr Lefa and Suleman, Dr Hussein (2004) Integration of publishing and personal document management into Windows, CS04-21-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Muvuti, Miss Fadzai and Lungu, Mr Mbamwabi Ntheye (2004) Service Oriented Architecture for a Software Traceability System, CS04-14-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Ng, Mr Yat P and Lohlun, Miss Liesl and Ebell, Mr Warren (2004) Teaching Linux based Operating System, CS04-11-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Nunez, Mr David (2004) A constructionist cognitive model of virtual presence, CS04-07-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Perumal, Mr Sameshan and Kritzinger, Prof Pieter (2004) A Tutorial on RAID Storage Systems, CS04-05-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Pott, Mr Alistair and Berman, Mr Daniel (2004) Trapt - Traceability Pattern Tool, CS04-13-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Reabow, Mr Justin and Pillay, Mr Darryl (2004) Caching of XML Web Services to Support Disconnected Operation, CS04-09-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Ryndina, Ms Oksana and Kritzinger, Prof Pieter (2004) Improving Requirements Specification: Verification of Use Case Models with Susan, CS04-06-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Schutte, Mr Carl S. and Ndabambi, Mr Abel (2004) Virtualized Audio, CS04-25-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

de Wet, Mr. Nico Dirk and Kritzinger, Prof. Pieter S. (2004) Model-Based EIS Performability Analysis, CS04-01-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Journal article (paginated)

Cairns, Dr D.E. and Marsden, Dr G. (2004) Improving the Usability of the Hierarchical File System, South African Computer Journal, 32, 69-78, SA ePublications.

Marsden, Dr Gary and Cairns, Dr David (2004) Improving the Usability of the Hierarchical File System, South African Computer Journal, 32, 69-78, SAICSIT.

Electronic thesis or dissertation

Chibesakunda, Mr Mwelwa K. (2004) A Methodology for Analyzing Power Consumption in Wireless Communication Systems, MSc.

Lifson, Mr Farrel (2004) Specification and Verification of Systems Using Model Checking and Markov Reward Models, MSc.

Lyness, Mr Caleb Alexander (2004) Perceptual depth cues in support of medical data visualisation, MSc.

Perkins, Mr Simon (2004) Identification and Reconstruction of Bullets from Multiple X-Rays, MSc.

Walters, Mr Lourens 0. (2004) A Web Browsing Workload for Simulation, MSc.

Presentation slides

Arnab, Mr Alapan and Hultquist, Mr Carl (2004) Adventures in Cheap (i.e. Student) Clustering, Scientific Clustering Applications Workshop 2004, 06 - 08 December 2004, IBM, Cape Town.

This list was generated on Mon Mar 31 15:15:08 2025 SAST.