Items where Year is 2009

Group by: Item Type | Authors | No Grouping
Number of items: 63.

Book chapter

Balikuddembe, Mr Joseph and Osunmakinde, Mr Isaac and Bagula, Dr Antoine (2009) Software Project Profitability Analysis Using Temporal Probabilistic Reasoning; An Empirical Study with the CASSE Framework, Advances in Security Technology, Communications in Computer and Information Science book series, 138-150, Springer Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Conference paper

Balikuddembe, Joseph and Bagula, Dr Antoine (2009) Aligning the software project selection process with the business strategy; a pilot study, Proceedings of ASEA2009 Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, December 2009, Jeju Island, Korea, LNCS series.

Balikuddembe, Joseph and Bagula, Dr Antoine (2009) Business viability assessment of potential software projects: an empirical study with the CASSE Framework, Proceedings of ASEA2009 Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, December 2009, LNCS series.

Balikuddembe, Joseph and Rivett, Ulrike and Bagula, Antoine (2009) Complexity management of customization requests on software products; A value-based Approach, Proceedings of International Conference on Software Technology and Engineering (ICSTE 2009), June 2009, Chennai, India, ICSTE 2009.

Berman, A/Prof S and Kamkuemah, Ms M and Muntunemuine, Mr J (2009) Integrated Query of the Hidden Web, Proceedings of 11th Annual Conference on World Wide Web Applications, 2 - 4 September 2009, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, 4-15.

Blake, Prof E H (2009) Design Doctorate in Computing: a defence of “doing cool stuff”, Proceedings of SACLA 2009, 29 June - 1 July 2009, Mpekweni Beach Resort.

Blake, Prof Edwin H. (2009) Computer Science and Global Development, Proceedings of CCC Workshop on Computer Science and Global Development, August 1‐2, 2009, Berkeley, CA.

Chong, Ming Ki and Marsden, Gary (2009) Exploring the Use of Discrete Gestures for Authentication, Proceedings of INTERACT 2009, 12th IFIP TC13 Conference in Human-Computer Interaction, August 26-28, 2009, Uppsala, Sweden, 205-213.

De Kadt, Mr C and Gain, Dr J and Marais, Dr P (2009) Revisiting district six: a case study of digital heritage reconstruction from archival photographs, Proceedings of Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality, Visualisation and Interaction in Africa (Afrigraph 09), February 2009, Pretoria, 13-21, ACM Press.

Donner, Jonathan and Gitau, Shikoh and Marsden, Gary (2009) "i-Internet? Intle” (beautiful): Exploring first time internet use via mobile phones in a South African women’s collective, Proceedings of 3rd Annual Conference of the International Development Informatics Association, 28-30 October, 2009, Kruger Park, South Africa.

Elliott, Ms Charlene and Marsden, Dr Gary and Walton, Dr Marion and Blake, Prof Edwin (2009) Design Notations for Creating Virtual Environment, Proceedings of SAICSIT 2009, October 2009, 7-15.

Gain, Dr. James and Marais, Dr. Patrick and Strasser, Prof. Wolfgang (2009) Terrain Sketching, Proceedings of I3D2009: The 2009 ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, 27 February - 1 March 2009, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 31-38, ACM Press.

Gitau, Ms Shikoh and Marsden, Dr Gary (2009) Working with NGOs through Fair Partnerships, Proceedings of Interact, September 2009, Uppsala, Sweden, 205-213.

Hultquist, Mr Carl and Gain, Dr James and Cairns, Dr David (2009) An Adjectival Interface for Procedural Content Generation, Proceedings of 3IA '2009: the 12th International Conference in Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence, 29-30 May 2009, Athens, Greece, 105-114.

King, Samuel and Mbogho, Audrey (2009) Evaluating the usability and suitability of mobile tagging media in educational settings in a developing country, Proceedings of IADIS International Conference on Mobile Learning, 26 February 2009, Barcelona, Spain, 230-234, IADIS Press.

Le, Dr Hanh and Scholtz, Mr Andre and Potgieter, Dr Anet (2009) A structured framework for agents to facilitate intelligent Wireless Sensor Networks, Proceedings of The 12th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems, 19-21 August 2009, Indianapolis, USA.

Merry, Dr B and Marais, Dr P and Gain, Dr J (2009) Analytic simplification of animated characters, Proceedings of Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality, Visualisation and Interaction in Africa (Afrigraph 09), February 2009, Pretoria, 37-45, ACM Press.

Mokhesi, Mr Lekometsa and Bagula, Dr Antoine (2009) Context-Aware Handoff Decision for Wireless Access Networks using Bayesian Networks, Proceedings of Conference of Southern African Institute for Computer Scientists and Information Technologists (SAICSIT), October 2009, Johannesbourg, South Africa, ACM International Conference Proceedings Series.

Mugwanya, Mr Raymond and Marsden, Dr Gary (2009) Mobile Learning Content Authoring Tools (MLCATs): A Systematic Review, Proceedings of 1st International ICST Conference on e-Infrastructure and e-Services for Developing Countries, December 2009, Maputo, Mozambique.

Nakashole, Ms Ndapandula and Suleman, Dr Hussein (2009) A Hybrid Distributed Architecture for Indexing, Proceedings of 13th International Conference on European Digital Libraries (ECDL), Corfu, Greece.

Ogunleye, Mr Samuel and Marsden, Dr Gary (2009) Supporting Mobile Applications Developer through Java IDE Using Contextual Inquiry, Proceedings of 2009 World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering, April 2009, Las Vegas, 770-774.

Osunmakinde, Mr I O and Bagula, Dr A (2009) Supporting Scalable Bayesian Networks Using Configurable Discretizer Actuators, Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms, LNCS, Proceedings of ICANNGA 2009, April 2009, Finland, 5495, 323-332, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, LNCS series.

Osunmakinde, Mr I O and Bagula, Dr A (2009) Emergent Future Situation Awareness: A Temporal Probabilistic Reasoning in the Absence of Domain Experts, Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms, LNCS, Proceedings of ICANNGA 2009, April 2009, 5495, 340-349, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, LNCS series.

Osunmakinde, Mr Isaac O and Bagula, Dr Antoine (2009) Emerging Situation Awareness of Drivable Routes for Autonomous Robots Using Temporal probabilistic Reasoning, Proceedings of 14th IASTED International Conference on Robotics and Applications, 2-4 November 2009, Cambridge, Massachussets, USA, 14th IASTEDProceedings of the 14th IASTED International Conference on Robotics and Applications, November 2009, 664.

Patel, Mr Dynal and Marsden, Dr Gary and Jones, Dr Matt and Jones, Dr Steve (2009) An Evaluation of Techniques for Image Searching and Browsing on Mobile Devices, Proceedings of SAICSIT 2009, October 2009, 60-69.

Poulo, Lebeko and Paihama, Jorgina and Noor, Marwan Mohammed (2009) Preserving Endangered Languages using a Layered Web-based Archive, Proceedings of 11th Annual Conference on WWW Applications (ZA-WWW 2009), 2-4 September 2009, Port Elizabeth.

Reitmaier, Mr Thomas and Marsden, Dr Gary (2009) Bringing Digital Storytelling to the Mobile, Proceedings of Interact, September, 2009, Uppsala, Sweden, 750-753.

Salami, Mr O and Chan, Prof H A and Bagula, Dr A (2009) Link and Route Availability for Inter-working Multi-hop Wireless Networks, Proceedings of IEEE NGWMN 2009 workshop, September 2009, Vienna, Austria, IEEE proceedings.

Salami, Mrs Oladayo and Bagula, Dr Antoine and Chan, Prof Anthony (2009) A Connectivity Model for Inter-working Multi-hop Wireless Networks, Proceedings of Southern African Telecommunicons Networks and Applicatiation Conference (SATNAC 2009), September 2009.

Salami, Mrs Oladayo and Chan, Prof Anthony and Bagula, Dr Antoine (2009) Analysis of Route Availability in Inter-working Multi-hop Wireless Networks, Proceedings of IEEE BROADCOM 2009, July 2009, Wroclaw, Poland, IEEE.

Schraefel, Dr mc and Andre, P and White, R and Berners-Lee, T and Consolvo, S and Jacobs, R and Kohane, I and Le Dantec, C and Mamykina, L and Marsden, G and Shneiderman, B and Szolovits, P and Weitzner, D (2009) Interacting with eHealth: towards grand challenges for HCI, Proceedings of Human Factors in Computing Systems - ACM SIGCHI 2009, April 2009, Boston, 2, 3309-3313.

Suleman, Hussein (2009) Utility-based high performance digital library systems, Proceedings of Second Workshop on Very Large Digital Libraries (VLDL 2009), 2 October 2009, Corfu, Greece, 1-8, DELOS.

Symington, Mr A and Kritzinger, Professor PS (2009) A Hardware Test Bed for Measuring IEEE 802.11g Distribution Coordination Function Performance, Proceedings of 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS), September 21-23, 2009, London, 61-67.

Zennaro, Mr M and Bagula, Dr A (2009) Design of a flexible and reliable gateway to collect sensor data in intermittent power environments, Proceedings of IEEE ICCCN2009, IEEE ICCCN, IEEE.

Zennaro, Mr M and Dogan, Mr G and Cao, Mr Z and Bahader, Mr M and Ntareme, Mr H and Bagula, Dr A (2009) On the design of a Water Quality Wireless Sensor Network (WQWSN): an Application to Water Quality Monitoring in Malawi, Proceedings of IEEE NGWMN 2009, September 2009, Vienna, Austria, IEEE NGWMN, IEEE.

Conference poster

Zennaro, Mr M and Scott, Mr S and Inggs, Mr G and Ntareme, Mr H and Bagula, Dr A (2009) On the relevance of Open Wireless sensors for NGN, Proceedings of ITU-T Kaleidoscope.

Technical report

Baxter, Mr Richard Jonathan (2009) Generating Hidden Structure for Procedural Scenes, CS09-05-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Blake, Prof Edwin H. (2009) Design Doctorate in Computing: a defence of "doing cool stuff", CS09-06-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Crumley, Mr. Zacharia (2009) Automatic Creation of Physics Components for Procedurally Generated Trees, CS09-04-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Paihama, Jorgina K. do R. and Suleman, Dr Hussein (2009) A Survey of the Effectiveness of Current Interoperability Protocols, CS09-03-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Pileggi, Paolo and Iazeolla, Giuseppe and Kritzinger, Pieter (2009) The IEEE802.16d Fixed WMAN – a definitive description of the network to be simulated, CS09-01-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Symington, Andrew and Kritzinger, Pieter (2009) A Hardware Test Bed for Measuring IEEE 802.11g DCF Performance, CS09-02-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Journal article (paginated)

Bagula, Dr Antoine (2009) Improving The Resilience of Emerging Generation GMPLS Networks, IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communication and Networking, 1, A56-A68, IEEE.

Bagula, Dr Antoine and Inggs, Mr Gordon and Scott, Mr Simon and Zennaro, Mr Marco (2009) On The Relevance of Using Open Wireless Sensor Networks in Environment Monitoring, Sensors, 9, 4845-4868, MDPI.

Cross, Simon and Kuttel, Dr Michelle and Stone, Mr John and Gain, Dr James (2009) Visualisation of cyclic and multi-branched molecules with VMD, Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, 28, 131-139, Elsevier.

Hultquist, Mr Carl and Gain, Dr James and Cairns, Dr David (2009) An Adjectival Interface for Procedural Content Generation, Intelligent Computer Graphics, 240, 143-165, Spinger Berlin / Heidelberg.

Le, Dr Hanh and Schiff, Ms Nina and du Plessis, Mr Johan and Hoang, Prof Doan (2009) A Pervasive Tele-health System for continual and low intrusive monitoring using Peer-to-Peer Networks, International Journal Computer Applications in Technology, 5th International Conference on Information Technology and Applications, 23-26 June 2008, Cairns Australia, 34, 330-334, InderScience.

Neeser, Mr Rudolph and Rogers Ackermann, Dr Rebecca and Gain, Dr James (2009) Comparing the accuracy and precision of three techniques for estimating missing landmarks when reconstructing fossil hominin crania, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 140, 1-18, Wiley Interscience.

Nyirenda, Mayumbo and Suleman, Hussein and Maunder, Andrew and van Rooyen, Reinhardt (2009) X-Switch: An Efficient, Multi-User, Multi-Language Web Application Server, South African Computer Journal, 57-68, SAICSIT.

Zawaira, Alexander and Gallotta, Marco and Beeton-Kempen, Natasha and Coulson, Lauren and Marais, Patrick and Kuttel, Michelle and Blackburn, Johnathan (2009) Exhaustive computational search of ionic-charge clusters that mediate interactions between mammalian cytochrome P450 (CYP) and P450-oxidoreductase (POR) proteins, Computational Biology and Chemistry, Elsevier.


Williams, Mr Kyle (2009) The BOLD Project: The BOLD Translator.


Cross, Simon and Kuttel, Michelle M. and Stone, John E. and Gain, James E. (2009) Visualisation of Cyclic and Multi-Branched Molecules with VMD.

Electronic thesis or dissertation

Balikuddembe, Dr Joseph (2009) Managing economic value and uncertainty on software projects; an empirical study with the CASSE Framework, PhD.

Chong, Mr Ming Ki (2009) Usable Authentication for Mobile Banking, MSc.

Jacka, Mr David (2009) High-Level Control of Agent-based Crowds by means of General Constraints, MSc.

McMahon, Mr Peter (2009) Accelerating Genomic Sequence Alignment using High Performance Reconfigurable Computers, MSc.

Nakashole, Ms Ndapandula (2009) A Hybrid Scavenger Grid Approach to Intranet Search, MSc.

Ogunleye, Mr Samuel Olalekan (2009) Supporting Mobile Developers through A Java IDE, MSc.

Osunmakinde, Dr Isaac (2009) Computational Intelligent Systems: Evolving Dynamic Bayesian Networks, PhD.

Parker, Mr Christopher P (2009) A lightweight interface to local Grid scheduling systems, MSc.

Pileggi, Paolo (2009) Cross-Layer RaCM Design for Vertically Integrated Wireless Networks, MSc.

Symington, Mr Andrew (2009) A Hardware Testbed for Measuring IEEE 802.11g DCF Performance, MSc.

Tucker, Dr William D. (2009) Softbridge: a socially aware framework for communication bridges over digital divides, PhD.

This list was generated on Fri Feb 21 20:15:19 2025 SAST.