Items where Subject is "Modeling and simulation"

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Number of items at this level: 70.


Abramowitz, Sasha and Nitschke, Geoff (2022) Scalable Evolutionary Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning, Proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2022), 9-13 July 2022, Boston, USA.

Abramowitz, Sasha and Nitschke, Geoff (2022) Towards Run-time Efficient Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning, Proceedings of IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE CEC 2022), 18-23 July 2022, Padua, Italy.

Abdullahi, Tassallah and Nitschke, Geoff and Sweijd, Neville (2022) Predicting diarrhoea outbreaks with climate change, PLOS One, e0262008, 17, PLOS.


Baxter, Richard and Marais, Patrick and Kuttel, Michelle (2013) GPU-based acceleration of Radio Interferometry point source visibility calculations in the MEQtrees framework, Proceedings of Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems - ADASS XXII, November 2012, Chicago, USA, ASP Conference Series, 475, 53-59.

Baxter, Mr Richard Jonathan (2009) Generating Hidden Structure for Procedural Scenes, CS09-05-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Baxter, Richard (2013) GPU-based Acceleration of Radio Interferometry Point Source Visibility Simulations in the MeqTrees Framework, MSc.


Crause, Mr Justin and Flower, Mr Andrew and Marais, Dr Patrick (2011) A System for Real-Time Deformable Terrain, Proceedings of SAICSIT, 3-5 October 2011, Cape Town, 77-86, ACM.

Campbell, Mr Dumisani and Jansen van Vuuren, Mr Johannes and Kitley, Mr Ian (2006) DOCKside II: Adding Functionality to Current Molecular Docking System, CS06-12-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Casanueva, Mr Juan and Blake, Prof Edwin (2000) Presence and Co-Presence in Collaborative Virtual Environments, CS00-06-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Casanueva, Mr Juan and Blake, Prof Edwin (2000) Presence in a Distributed Virtual Environment, CS00-05-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Consani, Miss Colette and Proske, Miss Heidi (2003) RANSim: Simulating a W-CDMA Fading Channel with Bursty Traffic Arrivals, CS03-09-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Clough, Mr Duncan (2013) Lattice Boltzmann Liquid Simulations on Graphics Hardware, MSc.


de Wet, Mr Nico (2005) Model Driven Communication Protocol Engineering and Simulation based Performance Analysis using UML 2.0, MSc.


Gower-Winter, Brandon and Nitschke, Geoff (2022) Do Harsher Environments cause Selfish or Altruistic Behavior, Proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2022), 9-13 July 2022, Boston, USA.

Gower-Winter, Brandon and Nitschke, Geoff (2022) Extreme Environments Perpetuate Cooperation, Proceedings of IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (IEEE SSCI 2022), 4-7 December 2022.

Gueorguiev, Mr Victor and Kuttel, Assoc. Pro Michelle (2016) Implementation, Validation and Profiling of a Genetic Algorithm for Molecular Conformational Optimization, Proceedings of Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists (SAICSIT 2016), September 2016, Johannesburg, ACM New York, NY, USA.

Gain, James and Marais, Patrick and Neeser, Rudy (2014) City Sketching, Journal of WSCG, 22.

Geffen, Nathan (2018) Algorithms for efficiently and effectively matching agents in microsimulations of sexually transmitted infections, PhD.

Gordon, Marc (2014) Force Field Comparison through Computational Analysis of Capsular Polysaccharides of Streptococcus Pneumoniae Serotypes 19A and F, MSc.


Hultquist, Mr Carl and Perumal, Mr Sameshan and Marais, Dr Patrick and Fairall, Dr Tony (2003) Large-Scale Structure in the Universe, CS03-16-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Hitri, K. and Kuttel, M. and De Benedetto, G. I. and Lockyer, K. and Gao, F. and Hansal, P. and Rudd, T. R. and Beamish, E. and Rijpkema, S. and Ravenscroft, N. and Bolgiano, B. (2019) O-acetylation of typhoid capsular polysaccharide confers polysaccharide rigidity and immunodominance by masking additional epitopes., Vaccine, 37, 3866-3875, Elsevier.

Hlozek, Mr Jason and Kuttel, Assoc. Pro Michelle and Ravenscroft, Assoc. Pro Neil (2018) Conformations of Neisseria meningitidis serogroup A and X polysaccharides: the effects of chain length and O-acetylation., Carbohydrate Research, 465, 44-51, Elsevier.


Iazeolla, Prof G and Kritzinger, Prof PS and Pileggi, Mr PP (2008) Modelling Quality of Service in IEEE 802.16 Networks, Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks, 25 - 27 September 2008, Split - Dubrovnik, Croatia.


Johnson, Dr David and Zlobinsky, Ms Natasha and Lysko, Dr Albert and Lamola, Ms Magdeline and Hadzic, Dr Senka and Maliwatu, Mr Richard (2016) Head to Head Battle of TV White Space and WiFi for Connecting Developing Regions, Proceedings of 8th EAI International Conference on e‐Infrastructure and e‐Services for Developing Countries (AFRICOMM 2016), 6-7 December 2016, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.


Kuttel, Assoc. Pro Michelle and Ravenscroft, Assoc. Pro Neil (2018) The Role of Molecular Modeling in Predicting Carbohydrate Antigen Conformation and Understanding Vaccine Immunogenicity., Carbohydrate-Based Vaccines: From Concept to Clinic. ACS Symposium Series, Vol. 1290., 139-173, American Chemical Society.

Keet, Dr. C. Maria (2014) A core ontology of macroscopic stuff, Proceedings of 19th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW'14), 24-28 Nov, 2014, Linkoping, Sweden, 8876, 209-224, Springer.

Kritzinger, Mr PS and Pileggi, Mr PP (2007) Performance Modeling of the Wireless Internet, Proceedings of Wireless Rural and Emergancy Communication Conference 2007, October 2007, Rome, Italy.

Kuttel, Michelle and Mao, Yue and Lundberg, Magnus and Widmalm, Goran (2011) CarbBuilder: an adjustable tool for building 3D molecular structures of carbohydrates for molecular simulation., Proceedings of 7th IEEE International Conference on e-Science, 5-8 December 2011, Stockholm, Sweden.

Kenwood, Julian and Gain, James and Marais, Patrick (2014) Efficient Procedural Generation of Forests, Journal of WSCG, 22.

Keet, Dr. C. Maria and Lawrynowicz, Dr. Agnieszka and d'Amato, Dr. Claudia and Kalousis, Dr. Alexandros and Nguyen, Dr. Phong and Palma, Dr. Raul and Stevens, Dr. Robert (2015) The Data Mining OPtimization Ontology, Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web, 32, 43-53, Elsevier.

Kuttel, Michelle M. and Ravenscroft, Neil and Berti, Francesco (2021) Molecular modeling provides insights into the loading of sialic acid-containing antigens onto CRM197: the role of chain flexibility in conjugation efficiency and glycoconjugate architecture., Glycoconjugate Journal, 38, 411–419, Springer.

Kuttel, Michelle and Gordon, Marc and Ravenscroft, Neil (2014) Comparative simulation of pneumococcal serogroup 19 polysaccharide repeating units with two carbohydrate force fields, Carbohydrate Research, 390, 20-27, Elsevier.

Kuttel, Michelle and Ravenscroft, Neil and Foschiatti, Michaela and Cescutti, Paola and Rizzo, Roberto (2012) Conformational properties of two exopolysaccharides produced by Inquilinus limosus, a cystic fibrosis lung pathogen, Carbohydrate Research, 350, 40-48, Elsevier.

Kuttel, Dr Michelle (2011) The Conformational Free Energy of Carbohydrates, Mini-Reviews in Organic Chemistry, 8, 256-262, Bentham Science.

Kuttel, Michelle M. and Jackson, Graham E. and Mafata, Mpho and Ravenscroft, Neil (2015) Capsular polysaccharide conformations in pneumococcal serotypes 19F and 19A, Carbohydrate Research, 406, 27-33, Elsevier.

Kuttel, Michelle M. and Stahle, Jonas and Widmalm, Goran (2016) CarbBuilder: Software for Building Molecular Models of Complex Oligo- and Polysaccharide Structures, Journal of Computational Chemistry, 37, 2098-2105, Wiley.

Kuttel, Dr Michelle M. (2008) Conformational free energy maps for globobiose (a-D-Galp-(1-4)-b-D-Galp) in implicit and explict aqueous solution, Carbohydrate Research, 343, 1091-1098, Elsevier.

Kuttel, Dr Michelle M. and Gain, Dr James and Burger, Anton and Eborn, Ian (2006) Techniques for visualization of carbohydrate molecules, Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, 25, 380-388, Elsevier.

Kuttel, Assoc. Pro Michelle M. and Timol, Mr Zaheer and Ravenscroft, Assoc. Pro Neil (2017) Cross protection in Neisseria meningitides serogroups Y and W polysaccharides: a comparative conformational analysis., Carbohydrate Research, 446, 40-47, Elsevier.

Kuttel, Assoc. Pro Michelle M. and Cescutti, Prof. Paola and Distefano, Mr M. and Rizzo, Prof. Roberto (2017) Fluorescence and NMR spectroscopy together with molecular simulations reveal amphiphilic characteristics of a Burkholderia biofilm exopolysaccharide, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 292, 11034-11042, The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc..

Kenwood, Julian (2014) Real-time Generation of Procedural Forests, MSc.


Leach, Craig and Marais, Patrick (2014) A GPU-Based Level of Detail System for the Real-Time Simulation and Rendering of Large-Scale Granular Terrain, Proceedings of 22nd International Conference on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG 2014), June 2014, Plzen, Czech Republic.

Longmore, Juan-Pierre and Marais, Patrick and Kuttel, Michelle (2013) Towards realistic and interactive sand simulation: a gpu-based framework, Powder Technology, 235, 983-1000.

Lifson, Mr Farrel (2004) Specification and Verification of Systems Using Model Checking and Markov Reward Models, MSc.


Maccallum, Rob and Nitschke, Geoff (2022) Automated Ligand Design in Simulated Molecular Docking, Proceedings of 2022 Conference on Artificial Life (ALIFE 2022), 18-22 July 2022, Online.

Maliwatu, Mr Richard and Lysko, Prof. Albert and Johnson, Dr David (2016) Exploring RSSI Dependency on Height in UHF for Throughput Optimisation, Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Computing & Communication Engineering (ICACCE), 28 November 2016, Durban, South Africa.

Manchip, David (2011) Computer-aided Timing Training System for Musicians, MPhil.

Mathai, Neann (2013) Molecular modelling of the Streptococcus Pneumoniae serogroup 6 capsular polysaccharide antigens., MSc.

Moyo, Edmore (2019) Accelerated cooperative co-evolution on multi-core architectures, MSc.


Nitschke, Geoff and Shorten, David (2018) Exploring Exploration Catastrophes in Various Network Models, Proceedings of 2018 Conference on Artificial Life (ALIFE 2018), Tokyo, Japan, 374-381.

Nitschke, Jessica and Nitschke, Geoff and Furman, Alexander and Cherry, Matthew (2017) Modeling Patterns of Wealth Disparity in Predynastic Upper Egypt, Proceedings of Fourteenth European Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems: Advances in Artificial Life (ECAL 2017), Lyon, France, 322-323, MIT Press.

Nitschke, Geoff and Witkowski, Olaf (2018) The Dynamics of Cooperation versus Competition, Proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2018), Kyoto, Japan, 115-116.

Nunez, Mr David (2004) A constructionist cognitive model of virtual presence, CS04-07-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Neeser, Mr Rudolph and Rogers Ackermann, Dr Rebecca and Gain, Dr James (2009) Comparing the accuracy and precision of three techniques for estimating missing landmarks when reconstructing fossil hominin crania, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 140, 1-18, Wiley Interscience.


Osunmakinde, Isaac and Yinka-Banjo, Chika and Bagula, Antoine (2012) Investigating the Use of Bayesian Network and k-NN Models to Develop Behaviours for Autonomous Robots, Mobile Intelligent Autonomous Systems, 751-764, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, USA.


Price, CS and Moodley, D and Pillay, AW (2018) Dynamic Bayesian decision network to represent growers' adaptive pre-harvest burning decisions in a sugarcane supply chain, Proceedings of Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, 26-28 September 2018, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, ACM.

Perumal, Mr S and Kritzinger, Prof PS (2005) Automation of RAID Controller Operation Using ROSTI, Proceedings of SATNAC 2005, September 2005, Champagne Valley Sports Resort.

Pinska, Adrianna (2019) Addition of flexible linkers to GPU-accelerated coarse-grained simulations of protein-protein docking, MSc.

Potgieter, Mr Andrew (2014) A Parallel Multidimensional Weighted Histogram Analysis Method, MSc.


Ravenscroft, Assoc. Pro Neil and Omar, A. and Hlozek, J. and Edmonds-Smith, C. and Follador, R. and Serventi, F. and Kuttel, M. M. and Cescutti, P. and Faridmoayer, A. (2017) Genetic and structural elucidation of capsular polysaccharides from Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 23A and 23B, and comparison to serotype 23F., Carbohydrate Research, 450, 19-29, Elsevier.


Shorten, David and Nitschke, Geoff (2016) Neutral Network Assortativity Shapes Whether Selective Pressure Promotes or Hinders Robustness, Proceedings of IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (IEEE SSCI 2016), Athens, Greece, 2370-2376, IEEE Press.

Shorten, David and Nitschke, Geoff (2016) The Relationship Between Evolvability and Robustness in the Evolution of Boolean Networks, Proceedings of 15th International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems (ALIFE VX), Cancun, Mexico, 276-283, MIT Press.

Shorten, David and Nitschke, Geoff (2017) The Two Regimes of Neutral Evolution: Localization on Hubs and Delocalized Diffusion, Proceedings of European Conference on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation (Evostar 2017), Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 310-325, Springer.

Schutte, Mr Carl S. and Ndabambi, Mr Abel (2004) Virtualized Audio, CS04-25-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.


Takyi, Mr Augustine and Densmore, Dr Melissa and Hadzic, Dr Senka and Johnson, Dr David (2017) Performance analysis of a collaborative DSA-based network with malicious nodes, Proceedings of 9th EAI International conference on e-Infrastructure & e-Services for developing countries (AFRICOMM), 11-12 December 2017, Lagos, Nigeria.

Tunbridge, Ian and Best, Robert B. and Gain, James and Kuttel, Michelle M. (2010) Simulation of Coarse-Grained Protein-Protein Interactions with Graphics Processing Units, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 6, 3588-3600, American Chemical Society.

Tunbridge, Dr Ian (2011) Graphics Processing Unit Accelerated Coarse-Grained Protein-Protein Docking, PhD.


van den Berg, Rudolf (2010) Force-extension of the Amylose Polysaccharide, MSc.


Walters, Lourens O and Kritzinger, Pieter S (2002) Email Message Interarrival Time Analysis, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Wood, Daniel (2014) Fast Galactic Structure Finding using Graphics Processing Units, MSc.

This list was generated on Wed Feb 12 19:15:33 2025 SAST.