Items where Subject is "Software creation and management"
- ACM Computing Classification System 2012 (87)
- Software and its engineering (1)
- Software creation and management (1)
- Software and its engineering (1)
Book chapter
Balikuddembe, Mr Joseph and Osunmakinde, Mr Isaac and Bagula, Dr Antoine (2009) Software Project Profitability Analysis Using Temporal Probabilistic Reasoning; An Empirical Study with the CASSE Framework, Advances in Security Technology, Communications in Computer and Information Science book series, 138-150, Springer Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Conference paper
Balikuddembe, Joseph and Bagula, Dr Antoine (2009) Aligning the software project selection process with the business strategy; a pilot study, Proceedings of ASEA2009 Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, December 2009, Jeju Island, Korea, LNCS series.
Balikuddembe, Joseph and Bagula, Dr Antoine (2009) Business viability assessment of potential software projects: an empirical study with the CASSE Framework, Proceedings of ASEA2009 Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, December 2009, LNCS series.
Balikuddembe, Joseph and Rivett, Ulrike and Bagula, Antoine (2009) Complexity management of customization requests on software products; A value-based Approach, Proceedings of International Conference on Software Technology and Engineering (ICSTE 2009), June 2009, Chennai, India, ICSTE 2009.
Bellairs, James and Hlozek, Jason and Egan, Timothy and Kuttel, Michelle (2016) An eHealth Android Application for Mobile Analysis of Microplate Assays, Proceedings of IST-Africa 2016, 11-13 June 2016, Durban, South Africa, IEEE Xplore.
Blake, Prof Edwin H. (2010) Software Engineering in Developing Communities, Proceedings of Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering (CHASE 2010), May 2nd 2010, Cape Town, South Africa, ACM.
Chetty, Marshini and Tucker, William and Blake, Edwin (2004) Developing locally relevant software applications for rural areas: A South African example, Proceedings of SAICSIT 2004, 239-243, ACM.
Harrilal, Ms Bhavana and Schoon, Ms Alette and Blake, Dr Edwin (2016) Complementing backyard-bedroom recording studios with a mobile app, Proceedings of Mobile Communication Technology for Development (M4D), 21-22 October 2016, Maputo, Mozambique, 62-74.
Khan, Zubeida Casmod and Keet, C. Maria and Fillottrani, Pablo Ruben and Cenci, Karina M. (2016) Experimentally motivated transformations for intermodel links between conceptual models, Proceedings of 20th Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS'16), August 28-31, 2016, Prague, Czech Republic, 9809, 104-118, Springer.
Kritzinger, Prof Pieter and Chetty, Miss Marshini and Landman, Mr Jesse and Marconi, Mr Michael and Ryndina, Miss Oksana (2003) ChattaBox: A Case Study in Using UML and SDL for Engineering Concurrent Communicating Software Systems, Proceedings of Southern African Telecommunications Networks and Applications Conference, 8-10 September 2003, George, South Africa.
Kuttel, Michelle and Mao, Yue and Lundberg, Magnus and Widmalm, Goran (2011) CarbBuilder: an adjustable tool for building 3D molecular structures of carbohydrates for molecular simulation., Proceedings of 7th IEEE International Conference on e-Science, 5-8 December 2011, Stockholm, Sweden.
Meissner, Mr FW and Blake, Mr EB (2011) Understanding Culturally Distant End-Users Through Intermediary-Derived Personas, Proceedings of South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists (SAICSIT) 2011 Annual Conference, 3-5 October, Cape Town, 314-317, ACM New York, NY, USA.
Meissner, Mr FW and Blake, Prof. EB (2011) Consequences of Software Design Decisions for Low-Income Communities: A Case Study, Proceedings of Southern Africa Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC) 2011, September 2011, East London.
Stanley, Colin and Winschiers-Theophilus, Heike and Blake, Edwin and Rodil, Kasper and Koch Kapuire, Gereon and Maasz, Donovan and Chamunorwa, Michael (2016) Formulating "the obvious" as a task request to the crowd: an interactive design experience across cultural and geographical boundaries, Proceedings of 14th Participatory Design Conference, 15-19 August 2016, Aarhus, Denmark, Proceeding PDC '16 Proceedings of the 14th Participatory Design Conference: Short Papers, Interactive Exhibitions, Workshops, 2, ACM.
Suleman, Hussein (2007) Managing Digital Library Components, Proceedings of Second Workshop on Foundations of Digital Libraries, 20 September 2007, Budapest, Hungary.
Suleman, Hussein and Mhlongo, Siyabonga (2006) A Flexible Approach to Web Component Packaging, Proceedings of SAICSIT 2006, 9-11 October 2006, Somerset West.
Tucker, Dr W D and Blake, Prof E H (2010) Abstractions for designing and evaluating communication bridges for people in developing regions, Proceedings of First Annual Symposium on Computing for Development (DEV), 17-18 Dec 2010, Royal Holloway, University of London, London, UK, ACM.
Tucker, William D and Blake, Edwin H (2008) The role of outcome mapping in developing a rural telemedicine system, Proceedings of IST-Africa 2008, 2008, Windhoek, Namibia, IIMC (International Information Management Corporation).
Conference poster
Jegede, Ms. Grace and Densmore, Dr. Melissa (2016) Using Co-Design to Discern and Overcome Barriers to Employment in Cape Town, Proceedings of Proceedings of the 7th Annual Symposium on Computing for Development, 18 November 2016, Nairobi, Kenya, 32-35, ACM.
Stanley, Mr Colin and Winschiers-Theophilus, Prof Heike and Onwordi, Mr Michel and K. Kapuire, Mr Gereon (2013) Rural communities crowdsource technology development: a Namibian expedition., Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Information and Communications Technologies and Development (ICTD '13), 7-10 December, Cape Town, 2, 155-158, ACM.
Suleman, Hussein and Eyambe, Linda and Luo, Ming and Fox, Edward A. (2003) New Directions in Digital Library Componentisation, Proceedings of 7th European Conference on Digital Libraries, 17-21 August 2003, Trondheim, Norway, Springer-Verlag.
Technical report
Botha, Mr Chad and De Kock, Mr Anton and MacGregor, Prof Ken (2003) E-Commerce Strategies - Scenarios for Commercial Web Applications Using the Windows Server System, CS03-10-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.
Chetty, Miss Marshini (2002) A Comparison of Unified Modelling Language (UML) and Specification and Description Language (SDL), 02-01-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.
Hollings, Mr David and Sharpey-Schafer, Mr Kieran and Kelleher, Mr Justin (2005) Representing Requirements Traceability Using XML Topic Maps, CS05-20-00, MSc, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.
Kritzinger, Prof PS and Krüger, Mr H (2008) Software Traceability using Latent Semantic Analysis and Relevance Feedback, CS08-01-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.
Kritzinger, Prof PS and Krüger, Mr Hans (2008) Automated Retrieval of Artifacts Created during the Software Development Life-cycle, CS08-02-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.
MacGregor, Prof. K.J. and de Wet, Mr. N.D. and Yazdani, Mr. N. and Lam, Ms. B. (2002) Wireless Application Middleware, CS02-11-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.
Mutete, Mr H L P and Tshuma, Ms X B (2005) The Data Management and Tutor Monitoring System, CS05-10-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.
Muvuti, Miss Fadzai and Lungu, Mr Mbamwabi Ntheye (2004) Service Oriented Architecture for a Software Traceability System, CS04-14-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.
Pott, Mr Alistair and Berman, Mr Daniel (2004) Trapt - Traceability Pattern Tool, CS04-13-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.
Rammutla, Mr Choene and Yang, Mr I-Feng and Godongwana, Mr Tembela (2006) Online Marking System for Vula, CS06-16-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.
Scholiadis, Mr Theodossios and du Toit, Mr Pieter Wilter and Sevel, Mr David (2005) Web Drugs: Anaesthetics Automated Scheduling System, CS05-09-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.
Journal article (paginated)
Blake, Edwin and Glaser, Meryl and Freudenthal, Adinda (2014) Teaching design for development in computer science, interactions, 21, 54-59, ACM.
Keet, Dr. C. Maria and Fillottrani, Prof Pabo Ruben (2015) An ontology-driven unifying metamodel of UML Class Diagrams, EER, and ORM2, Data & Knowledge Engineering, 98, 30-53, Elsevier.
Kuttel, Michelle M. and Stahle, Jonas and Widmalm, Goran (2016) CarbBuilder: Software for Building Molecular Models of Complex Oligo- and Polysaccharide Structures, Journal of Computational Chemistry, 37, 2098-2105, Wiley.
Lukell, Mr Simon and Hutchison, Dr Andrew CM (2003) Attack Analysis of Cryptographic Protocols Using Strand Spaces, South African Computer Journal, 31, 25-32.
Suleman, Hussein and Fox, Edward and Kelapure, Rohit and Krowne, Aaron and Luo, Ming (2003) Building Digital Libraries from Simple Building Blocks, Online Information Review, Emerald.
Electronic thesis or dissertation
Chang, Genevieve (2015) Designing an effective user interface for the Android tablet environment, MSc.
Winterbottom, Ms Cara (2010) VRBridge: a Constructivist Approach to Supporting Interaction Design and End-User Authoring in Virtual Reality, PhD.