
The Rock Art Website was designed to be an educational website. The guided tour component was designed to form a part of this website as a useful and usable component that allowed users to use rock art for educational purposes. The guided tours component that was developed, along with the other components of the website, was then evaluated to determine whether or not the site was useful and usable.

Based on the evaluations done on the guided tours component, users have responded positively to the site in general and have provided feedback that establishes the usefulness and usability of the guided tours component. The research question presented in the introduction of this report, namely "Is it possible to build a usable and useful guided pathway system to promote learning?" was considered in terms of the results of the evaluation. The results showed users were satisfied with the usability and usefulness of the website as shown in the results section of the evaluation chapter. The evaluation thus positively answered the research question outlined at the beginning of this report.


By Marco Lawrence
