Items where Year is 2003

Group by: Item Type | Authors | No Grouping
Number of items: 49.

Brown, Ms Sarah L and Ladeira, Ms Ilda M and Winterbottom, Ms Cara B and Blake, Professor EH (2003) The Effects of Mediation in a Storytelling Virtual Environment, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Virtual Storytelling, November 2003, Toulouse, France, Springer-Verlag.

Buchanan, George and Jones, Matt and Marsden, Gary (2003) Exploring Small Screen Digital Library Access with the Greenstone Digital Library, Proceedings of 6th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries.

Chetty, Miss Marshini and Tucker, Mr Bill and Blake, Prof Edwin (2003) Using Voice over IP to Bridge the Digital Divide - A Critical Action Research Approach, Proceedings of Southern African Telecommunication Networks & Applications Conference, 8-10 September 2003, George, South Africa, SATNAC.

Hanslo, Mr Wayne and MacGregor, Prof. Ken (2003) Using XML Messaging for Wireless Middleware Communication, Proceedings of South African Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference, 7-10 September, George, South Africa.

Hendricks, Mr Z and Marsden, Dr G and Blake, Prof E H (2003) A Meta-Authoring Tool for Specifying Interactions in Virtual Reality Environments, Proceedings of African Graphics Association Conference, February 3-5, Cape Town, South Africa.

Jones, Dr M and Buchanan, Mr G and Jain, Mr P and Marsden, Dr G (2003) From Sit-Forward to Lean-Back: Using a Mobile Device to Vary Interactive Pace, Proceedings of Mobile HCI, 8-11 September, Udine, Italy, 390-394.

Kritzinger, Prof Pieter and Chetty, Miss Marshini and Landman, Mr Jesse and Marconi, Mr Michael and Ryndina, Miss Oksana (2003) ChattaBox: A Case Study in Using UML and SDL for Engineering Concurrent Communicating Software Systems, Proceedings of Southern African Telecommunications Networks and Applications Conference, 8-10 September 2003, George, South Africa.

Lewis, John and Tucker, William and Blake, Edwin (2003) SoftBridge: A Multimodal Instant Messaging Bridging System, Proceedings of SATNAC 2003, September 2003, George, South Africa.

Lifson, Mr Farrel (2003) Verification of Service Level Agreements with Markov Reward Models, Proceedings of Southern African Telecommunications Networks and Applications Conference 2003., George , South Africa, 2003..

Lukell, Mr Simon and Hutchison, Dr Andrew (2003) Attack Analysis of Cryptographic Protocols Using Strand Spaces, Proceedings of 3rd annual Information Security South Africa Conference, Pretoria, South Africa.

Lukell, Mr Simon and Hutchison, Dr Andrew (2003) Automated Attack Analysis and Code Generation in a Multi-Dimensional Security Protocol Engineering Framework, Proceedings of Southern African Telecommunications Networks and Applications Conference 2003., George , South Africa.

Sharpe, Mr Adrian and Hampton, Mr Matthew and Nirenstein, Mr Shaun and Gain, Dr James and Blake, Prof Edwin (2003) Accelerating Ray Shooting Through Aggressive 5D Visibility Pre-processing, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality, Visualisation and Interaction in Africa (AFRIGRAPH 2003), 2003, Cape Town, 95-100, ACM Press.

Steyn, Mr. Barry and Gain, Dr. James (2003) Topology Alteration for Virtual Sculpting using Spatial Deformation, Proceedings of AFRIGRAPH 2003: 2nd International Conference on Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality, Visualisation and Interaction in Africa, 3-5 Febraury 2003, Cape Town, South Africa, 63-68, ACM Press.

Suleman, Hussein (2003) Metadata Editing by Schema, Proceedings of 7th European Conference on Digital Libraries, 17-21 August 2003, Trondheim, Norway, Springer-Verlag.

Suleman, Hussein and Fox, Edward A. and Madalli, Devika (2003) Design and Implementation of Networked Digital Libraries: Best Practices, Proceedings of DRTC Workshop on Digital Libraries: Theory and Practice, March 2003, Bangalore, India.

Tobler, Mr Ben and Hutchison, Dr ACM (2003) Generation, Analysis and Verification of Cryptographic Protocol Implementations, Proceedings of 3rd annual Information Security South Africa Conference, 9 - 11 July, Sandton Convention Centre, Sandton, South Africa, 297-306, ISSA.

Suleman, Hussein and Eyambe, Linda and Luo, Ming and Fox, Edward A. (2003) New Directions in Digital Library Componentisation, Proceedings of 7th European Conference on Digital Libraries, 17-21 August 2003, Trondheim, Norway, Springer-Verlag.

Appleby, Mr Nic and Marcussen, Mr Rory and McMillan, Mr James and Marais, Dr Patrick (2003) Scalable Model Viewing, CS03-22-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Arnab, Mr Alapan and Dembaremba, Mr Jealous Jason and MacGregor, Prof K (2003) Using Windows CE.NET 4.1 in UCT's Computer Science Department, CS03-15-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Baving, Miss Tracy and Cook, Mr Donald and Green, Mr Trevor (2003) Integrating the Educational Enterprise, CS03-11-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Blake, Prof. Edwin and Fang, Mr. Kuo-Chen and Feng, Mr. Fu-Yao and Wai, Ms. Ka Man (2003) Low-Cost Virtual Reality System - PC Driven System, CS03-17-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Botha, Mr Chad and De Kock, Mr Anton and MacGregor, Prof Ken (2003) E-Commerce Strategies - Scenarios for Commercial Web Applications Using the Windows Server System, CS03-10-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Brown, Mr Henry and Rouse, Mr Colin and Kunene, Mr Phumelelakhale and Potgieter, Ms Anet and Berman, Ms Sonia and April, Mr Kurt (2003) Developing a Basis for Knowledge Management: A Bayesian Network Approach, CS03-14-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Chibesakunda, Mr Mwelwa K and Kritzinger, Prof Pieter (2003) A Methodology for Analyzing Power Consumption in Wireless Communication Systems, CS03-28-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Consani, Miss Colette and Proske, Miss Heidi (2003) RANSim: Simulating a W-CDMA Fading Channel with Bursty Traffic Arrivals, CS03-09-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Fang, Mr Kuo-Chan Peter and Feng, Mr Fu-Yao Kevin and Wai, Ms Ka-Man Karen (2003) Low-Cost Virtual Reality System (PS2-driven), CS03-19-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

George, Mr Binoy and MacGregor, Professor K. J. (2003) Secure Wireless Networks, UCT CS 2003 Mini Conference, 04 August 2003, Computer Science Building, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa, CS03-05-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Hultquist, Mr Carl and Perumal, Mr Sameshan and Marais, Dr Patrick and Fairall, Dr Tony (2003) Large-Scale Structure in the Universe, CS03-16-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Kariem, Ms Nuraan and Hendricks, Mr Salie and Berman, Assoc. Pro Sonia (2003) A Web tool for Geographic Information Systems, CS03-18-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Kisch, Amber K and Prior, Warren I and Savage, Eric J (2003) HIV/AIDS Quality of Life: Information and Awareness, CS03-23-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Landman, Mr Jesse (2003) Modelling a DS-CDMA fading Channel with Bursty Traffic Arrivals, CS04-02-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Lewis, John and Tucker, Bill and Blake, Edwin (2003) A Multimodal Instant Messaging System using XML-Based Protocols, UCT Internal Mini-Conference, Thursday, 4 September 2003, LT302, Department of Computer Science, UCT, 0, 1-6, CS03-08-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town, Panic the Printer.

Maclay, Mr David and Blake, Prof Edwin (2003) The Use of Optic Flow in the Painterly Rendering of Animated Models, CS03-07-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Manojlovic, Mt Aleksandar and Slade, Mr Ryan and Suleman, Dr Hussein (2003) Dynamic Online Communities: DynaMail, CS03-21-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Merchant, Mr Bhavik and Gaylord, Mr Michael and Congia, Mr Sergio (2003) SOAPifying the Open Archives, CS03-13-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Merry, Mr Bruce and Giacchetta, Mr Gianni and Thwaits, Mr Bruce and Gain, Dr James (2003) Genetic selection of parametric scenes, CS03-12-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Moore, Mr. DG and Emslie, Mr. Stephen and Suleman, Dr. Hussein (2003) BLOX: Visual Digital Library Building, CS03-20-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Neeser, Mr Rudolph and Gain, Dr James and Ackermann, Dr Rebecca (2003) The Use of Free-Form Deformation for Correcting the Taphonomic Distortions of Fossilized Hominid Crania, CS03-06-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Truter, Mr Duncan John and Kritzinger, Mr Francois (2003) A secure End-To-End System for M-commerce, CS03-24-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Tshivhengwa, Mr Phathutshedzo and Mhlongo, Mr Siyabonga and Mafike, Miss Senate S and Suleman, Dr Hussein (2003) PeerDoc - Peer Group Citation and Document Management, CS03-25-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Winnemöller, Mr. H. (2003) Testing Effects of Color Constancy for Images displayed on CRT Devices, CS03-03-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Lukell, Mr Simon and Hutchison, Dr Andrew CM (2003) Attack Analysis of Cryptographic Protocols Using Strand Spaces, South African Computer Journal, 31, 25-32.

Marsden, Dr Gary (2003) Using HCI to Leverage Communication Technology, Interactions, 10, 48-55, ACM Press.

Marsden, Dr Gary (2003) Using HCI to leverage communication technology, Interactions, 10, 48-55, ACM Press.

Suleman, Hussein and Fox, Edward and Kelapure, Rohit and Krowne, Aaron and Luo, Ming (2003) Building Digital Libraries from Simple Building Blocks, Online Information Review, Emerald.

Suleman, Hussein and Fox, Edward A. (2003) Leveraging OAI Harvesting to Disseminate Theses, Library Hi-Tech, 21, 219-227, Emerald.

Appenzeller, Mr Johannes (2003) Real Time System Development with UML: A Case Study, Other.

Nirenstein, Dr. Shaun (2003) Fast and Accurate Visibility Preprocessing, PhD.

Nunez, Mr David (2003) A connectionist explanation of presence in virtual environments, MPhil.

This list was generated on Wed Feb 12 19:15:22 2025 SAST.