Items where Year is 2017

Group by: Item Type | Authors | No Grouping
Number of items: 56.

Conference paper

Bell, Mr Luke and Mouton, Mr Francois and Meyer, Prof Thomas (2017) Mobile On-board Vehicle Event Recorder: MOVER, Proceedings of ICT and Society Conference (ICTAS), 9-19 March 2017, Umhlanga, South Africa.

Byamugisha, Ms Joan and Keet, Dr. C. Maria and DeRenzi, Dr. Brian (2017) Evaluation of a Runyankore grammar engine for healthcare messages, Proceedings of 10th International Natural Language Generation conference (INLG'17), 4-7 Sept 2017, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 105-113, ALC.

Casini, Dr Giovanni and Meyer, Prof Thomas (2017) Belief Change in a Preferential Non-Monotonic Framework, Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 19-25 August, Melbourne, Australia, 925-935, AAAI Press.

Chavula, Catherine and Suleman, Hussein (2017) Morphological Cluster Induction of Bantu Words Using a Weighted Similarity Measure, Proceedings of Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists (SAICSIT 2017), 26-28 September 2017, Thaba 'Nchu, South Africa, ACM.

Chavula, Dr Josiah and Phokeer, Mr Amreesh and Formoso, Mr Agustin and Feamster, Prof. Nick (2017) Insight Into Africa’s Country-level Latencies, Proceedings of IEEE AFRICON, Cape Town, 938-944, IEEE.

Chavula, Dr Josiah and Phokeer, Mr Amreesh and Formoso, Mr Agustin and Feamster, Prof. Nick (2017) An insight into Africa’s country-level latencies, Proceedings of IEEE AFRICON 2017, 18-20 September 2017, Cape Town, IEEE.

DeRenzi, Dr Brian and Dell, Dr Nicola and Wacksman, Mr Jeremy and Lee, Dr Scott and Lesh, Dr Neal (2017) Supporting Community Health Workers in India through Voice- and Web-Based Feedback, Proceedings of 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 06 - 11 May 2017, Denver, Colorado, USA, 2770-2781.

Fillottrani, Prof Pablo R and Keet, Dr. C. Maria (2017) Patterns for Heterogeneous TBox Mappings to Bridge Different Modelling Decisions, Proceedings of 14th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC'17), May 28 - June 2, 2017, Portoroz, Slovenia, 10249, 371-386, Springer.

Keet, Dr C. Maria (2017) A note on the compatibility of part-whole relations with foundational ontologies, Proceedings of FOUST-II: 2nd Workshop on Foundational Ontology, Joint Ontology Workshops 2017, 21-23 September 2017, Bolzano, Italy, CEUR-WS.

Keet, Dr C. Maria (2017) Natural language template selection for temporal constraints, Proceedings of CREOL: Contextual Representation of Events and Objects in Language, Joint Ontology Workshops 2017, 21-23 September 2017, Bolzano, Italy, CEUR-WS.

Keet, Dr C. Maria (2017) Representing and aligning similar relations: parts and wholes in isiZulu vs English, Proceedings of Language, Data, and Knowledge 2017 (LDK'17), 19-20 June, 2017, Galway, Ireland, 10318, 58-73, Springer.

Keet, Dr C. Maria and Berman, Prof Sonia (2017) Determining the preferred representation of temporal constraints in conceptual models, Proceedings of 36th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER'17), 6-9 Nov 2017, Valencia, Spain, 10650, 437-450, Springer.

Keet, Dr C. Maria and Kutz, Dr. Oliver (2017) Orchestrating a Network of Mereo(topo)logical Theories, Proceedings of Ninth International Conference on Knowledge Capture (K-CAP'17), 4-6 Dec 2017, Austin, Texas, USA, 11:1-11:8, ACM.

Khan, Dr Zubeida C and Keet, Dr. C. Maria (2017) Automatically changing modules in modular ontology development and management, Proceedings of Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists (SAICSIT'17), 26-28 Sept 2017, Thaba Nchu, South Africa, 19:1-19:10, ACM.

Modise, Morebodi and Suleman, Hussein (2017) Mobile Search Interfaces for isiXhosa Speakers: A Comparison Between Voice and Text, Proceedings of 2017 Conference on Information Communications Technology and Society, 9-10 March 2017, Durban, South Africa, IEEE.

Molapo, Maletsabisa and Densmore, Dr Melissa and DeRenzi, Dr Brian (2017) Video Consumption Patterns for First Time Smartphone Users: Community Health Workers in Lesotho, Proceedings of 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 06 - 11 May 2017, Denver, Colorado, USA, 6159-6170.

Mouton, Mr Francois and Teixeira, Mr Marcel and Meyer, Prof Thomas (2017) Benchmarking a Mobile Implementation of the Social Engineering Prevention Training Tool, Proceedings of 16th International Information Security South Africa Conference, 16-17 August, Johannesburg, South Africa.

Mwanza, Selvas and Suleman, Hussein (2017) Measuring Network Structure Metrics as a Proxy for Socio-political Activity in Social Media, Proceedings of International Workshop on Data Mining in Politics, 12 December 2017, New Orleans, USA, IEEE.

Nagar, Jivashi and Suleman, Hussein (2017) Investigating Per-user Time Sensitivity Of Search Topics, Proceedings of First Workshop on Temporal Dynamics in Digital Libraries, 21 September 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Ncube, Sinini and Suleman, Hussein (2017) Learner Satisfaction in eTextbook Co-reading: A comparative study of internal and external forums, Proceedings of The Ninth International Conference on Mobile, Hybrid, and On-line Learning (eLmL 2017), 18-23 March, Paris, France, 101-108, IARIA.

Nitschke, Jessica and Nitschke, Geoff and Furman, Alexander and Cherry, Matthew (2017) Modeling Patterns of Wealth Disparity in Predynastic Upper Egypt, Proceedings of Fourteenth European Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems: Advances in Artificial Life (ECAL 2017), Lyon, France, 322-323, MIT Press.

Ogundele, OA and Moodley, D and Seebregts, CJ and Pillay, AW (2017) Building Semantic Causal Models to Predict Treatment Adherence for Tuberculosis Patients in Sub-Saharan Africa, Proceedings of 4th International Symposium on Foundations of Health Information Engineering and Systems, FHIES 2014 and 6th International Workshop on Software Engineering in Health Care, SEHC 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 17 July 2014 through 18 July 2014, Washington; United States;, 9062, 81-95, Springer Verlag.

Parker, Aashiq and Nitschke, Geoff (2017) How to Best Automate Intersection Management, Proceedings of IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE CEC 2017), San Sebastian, Spain, 1247-1254, IEEE Press.

Phiri, Mr. Lighton and Meinel, Prof. Christoph and Suleman, Dr Hussein (2017) Peer Tutoring Orchestration: Streamlined Technology-driven Orchestration for Peer Tutoring, Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, 21 April 2017, Porto, Portugal, 434-441, ScitePress.

Putter, Ruben and Nitschke, Geoff (2017) Evolving Morphological Robustness for Collective Robotics, Proceedings of IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (IEEE SSCI 2017), Honolulu, USA, IEEE Press.

Rampersad, Ms Laurisha and Blyth, Dr Sarah and Elson, Ed and Kuttel, Michelle M. (2017) Improving the usability of scientific software with participatory design: a new interface design for radio astronomy visualisation software, Proceedings of SAICSIT '17 Proceedings of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, September 26 - 28, 2017, Thaba 'Nchu, South Africa.

Rens, Dr Gavin and Meyer, Prof Thomas and Moodley, A/Prof Deshendran (2017) A Stochastic Belief Management Architecture for Agent Control, Proceedings of IJCAI-17 Workshop on ARCHITECTURES FOR GENERALITY & AUTONOMY, 19 August, Melbourne, Australia.

Shorten, David and Nitschke, Geoff (2017) The Two Regimes of Neutral Evolution: Localization on Hubs and Delocalized Diffusion, Proceedings of European Conference on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation (Evostar 2017), Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 310-325, Springer.

Suleman, Hussein and Jamieson, Stephan and Keet, Maria (2017) Testing Test-Driven Development, Proceedings of 46th Annual Conference of the Southern African Computer Lecturers' Association (SACLA 2017), 3-5 July 2017, Magaliesburg, South Africa, 730, 241-250, Springer.

Takyi, Mr Augustine and Densmore, Dr Melissa and Hadzic, Dr Senka and Johnson, Dr David (2017) Performance analysis of a collaborative DSA-based network with malicious nodes, Proceedings of 9th EAI International conference on e-Infrastructure & e-Services for developing countries (AFRICOMM), 11-12 December 2017, Lagos, Nigeria.

Takyi, Mr Augustine and Densmore, Dr Melissa and Hadzic, Dr Senka and Johnson, Dr David (2017) Performance analysis of a collaborative DSA-based network with malicious nodes, Proceedings of 9th EAI International Conference on e‐Infrastructure and e‐Services for Developing Countries (AFRICOMM 2017), 11-12 December 2017, Lagos, Nigeria, Springer.

von Holy, Andreas and Bresler, Alon and Shuman, Osher and Chavula, Catherine and Suleman, Hussein (2017) BantuWeb: A Digital Library for Resource Scarce South African Languages, Proceedings of Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists (SAICSIT 2017), 26-28 September 2017, Thaba 'Nchu, South Africa, ACM.

Conference poster

Davies, Mr Kieren and Keet, Dr. C. Maria and Lawrynowicz, Dr. Agnieszka (2017) TDDonto2: A Test-Driven Development Plugin for arbitrary TBox and ABox axioms, Proceedings of 14th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC'17), May 28 - June 2, 2017, Portoroz, Slovenia, 10577, 120-125, Springer.

Gerber, Prof Aurona and Morar, Mr Nishal and Meyer, Prof Thomas (2017) Ontology-driven taxonomic work ows for Afrotropical Bees, Proceedings of TDWG Annual Conference, 1-6 October, 2017, Ottawa, Canada.

Goss, Ryan and Nitschke, Geoff (2017) Automated Pattern Identification and Classification: Anomaly Detection Case Study, Proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2017), Berlin, Germany., 59-60, ACM Press.

Huang, Allen and Nitschke, Geoff (2017) Evolving Collective Driving Behaviors, Proceedings of International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2017), Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1573-1574, ACM Press.

Keet, Dr C. Maria and Zakaza, Mr Musa and Khumalo, Dr. Langa (2017) Verbalising OWL ontologies in isiZulu with Python, Proceedings of 14th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC'17), May 28 - June 2, 2017, Portoroz, Slovenia, 10577, 59-64, Springer.

Parker, Aashiq and Nitschke, Geoff (2017) Autonomous Intersection Driving with Neuro-Evolution, Proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2017), Berlin, Germany, 133-134.

Singh, Siddharth and Nanda, Vedant and Sen, Rijurekha and Ahmad, Sohaib and Sengupta, Satadal and Phokeer, Amreesh and Farooq, Zaid Ahmed and Arefin Khan, Taslim and Kumaraguru, Ponnurangam and Qazi, Ihsan Ayyub and Choffnes, David and Gummadi, Krishna P. (2017) An Empirical Analysis of Facebook’s Free Basics Program, Proceedings of ACM SIGMETRICS, June 05 - 09, 2017, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA, 37-38, ACM.

Technical report

Fitzhenry, Charles and Hahn, Maximillian and Khatieb, Tanweer and Marais, Patrick and Marquard, Stephen (2017) A Virtual Cinematographer for Presenter Tracking in 4K Lecture Videos, CS17-01-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Journal article (online only)

Abdelnour-Nocera, Dr Jose and Densmore, Dr Melissa (2017) A review of perspectives and challenges for international development in information and communications technologies., Annals of the International Communication Association, Taylor and Francis.

Adeleke, JA and Moodley, D and Rens, G and Adewumi, AO (2017) Integrating statistical machine learning in a semantic sensor web for proactive monitoring and control, Sensors, 17, MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.

Coetzer, W and Moodley, D and Gerber, A (2017) A knowledge-based system for generating interaction networks from ecological data, Data & Knowledge Engineering, Elsevier B.V..

Sen, Dr Rijurekha and Ahmad, Mr Sohaib and Phokeer, Mr Amreesh and Farooq, Mr Zaid Ahmed and Qazi, Mr Ihsan Ayyub and Choffnes, Dr David and Gummadi, Dr Krishna P. (2017) Inside the Walled Garden: Deconstructing Facebook's Free Basics Program, Computer Communication Review, 47, ACM.

Journal article (paginated)

Ssozi-Mugarura, Ms Fiona and Blake, Prof Edwin H. and Rivett, Prof Ulrike (2017) Codesigning with communities to support rural water management in Uganda, CoDesign: International Journal of CoCreation in Design and the Arts, 13, 110-126, Taylor & Francis.

Drake, Dr Alison L. and Unger, Dr Jennifer A. and Ronen, Dr Keshet and Matemo, Mr Daniel and Perrier, Mr Trevor and DeRenzi, Dr Brian and Richardson, Dr Barbra A. and Kinuthia, Dr John and John-Stewart, Dr Grace (2017) Evaluation of mHealth strategies to optimize adherence and efficacy of Option B+ prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission: Rationale, design and methods of a 3-armed randomized controlled trial, Contemporary Clinical Trials, 57, 44-50.

Gerber, Prof Aurona and Morar, Mr Nishal and Meyer, Prof Thomas and Eardley, Dr Connal (2017) Ontology-based support for taxonomic functions, Ecological Informatics, 41, 11-23.

Keet, Dr C. Maria and Khumalo, Dr. Langa (2017) Evaluation of the effects of a spellchecker on the intellectualization of isiZulu, Alternation, 24, 75-97.

Keet, Dr C. Maria and Khumalo, Dr. Langa (2017) Grammar rules for the isiZulu complex verb, Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, 35, 183-200, Taylor adn Francis.

Keet, Dr C. Maria and Khumalo, Dr. Langa (2017) Toward a knowledge-to-text controlled natural language of isiZulu, Language Resources and Evaluation, 51, 131-157, Springer.

Kuttel, Assoc. Pro Michelle M. and Timol, Mr Zaheer and Ravenscroft, Assoc. Pro Neil (2017) Cross protection in Neisseria meningitides serogroups Y and W polysaccharides: a comparative conformational analysis., Carbohydrate Research, 446, 40-47, Elsevier.

Kuttel, Assoc. Pro Michelle M. and Cescutti, Prof. Paola and Distefano, Mr M. and Rizzo, Prof. Roberto (2017) Fluorescence and NMR spectroscopy together with molecular simulations reveal amphiphilic characteristics of a Burkholderia biofilm exopolysaccharide, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 292, 11034-11042, The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc..

Ravenscroft, Assoc. Pro Neil and Omar, A. and Hlozek, J. and Edmonds-Smith, C. and Follador, R. and Serventi, F. and Kuttel, M. M. and Cescutti, P. and Faridmoayer, A. (2017) Genetic and structural elucidation of capsular polysaccharides from Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 23A and 23B, and comparison to serotype 23F., Carbohydrate Research, 450, 19-29, Elsevier.

Rens, G and Moodley, D (2017) A hybrid POMDP-BDI agent architecture with online stochastic planning and plan caching, Cognitive Systems Research, 43, 1-20, Elsevier B.V..

Electronic thesis or dissertation

Almukhaylid, Ms Maryam (2017) A Comparison of Socially-Motivated Discussion Forum Models for Learning Management Systems, MSc.

Terblanche, Mr Marcel Ta'i Mrkusic (2017) COLAB: Social Context and User Experience in Collaborative Multiplayer Games, MSc.

This list was generated on Fri Feb 21 19:15:13 2025 SAST.