Items where Year is 2007

Group by: Item Type | Authors | No Grouping
Number of items: 33.

Conference paper

Ah-Kun, Leonard and Marsden, Gary (2007) Co-Present Photo Sharing on Mobile Devices, Proceedings of Mobile HCI, 2007, 73-80.

Arnab, Mr Alapan and Hutchison, Prof Andrew (2007) DRM Use License Negotiation using ODRL v2.0, Proceedings of 5th International Workshop for Technology, Economy, and Legal Aspects of Virtual Goods, incorporating the 3rd International ODRL Workshop., 11 - 13 October 2007, Koblenz, Germany, To be published in NovaScience Publishers, NY, April/May 2008..

Arnab, Mr Alapan and Hutchison, Prof Andrew (2007) Persistent Access Control: A Formal Model for DRM, Proceedings of Seventh ACM Workshop on Digital Rights Management (ACM-DRM), held in conjunction with CCS 2007, the Thirteenth ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, 29 October 2007, Alexandria, Virginia, USA, ACM.

Arnab, Mr Alapan and Hutchison, Prof Andrew (2007) Using Payment Gateways to Maintain Privacy in Secure Electronic Transactions, Proceedings of IFIP TC-11, 22nd International Information Security Conference (Sec 2007), 14 - 16 May 2007, Sandton, South Africa, New Approaches For Security, Privacy and Trust in Complex Environments, 277-288, Springer Verlag.

Arnab, Mr Alapan and Paulse, Mr Marlon and Bennett, Mr Duncan and Hutchison, Prof Andrew (2007) Experiences in Implementing a Kernel-Level DRM Controller, Proceedings of 3rd International Conference of Automated Production of Cross Media Content for Multi-channel Distribution (AMXEDIS), 28 - 30 November 2007, Barcelona, Spain, 39-46, IEEE Computer Society.

Berman, Sonia and Semwayo, Thembinkosi Daniel (2007) A conceptual modeling methodology based on niches and granularity, Proceedings of Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007, November 2007, Auckland, New Zealand, LNCS, 4801, Springer.

Blake, Edwin and Nunez, David and Labuschagne, Bertus (2007) Longitudinal Effects on Presence Suspension of Disbelief or Distrust of Naive Belief(2007), Proceedings of PRESENCE 2007 The 10th Annual International Workshop on Presence, 2007, Barcelona, Spain, 291-295.

Karodia, Ramone and Lee, Steven and Mehta, Ashish and Mbogho, Dr Audrey (2007) CipherCode: A Visual Tagging SDK with Encryption and Parameterisation, Proceedings of 5th IEEE Workshop on Automatic Identification Advanced Technologies, 7-8 June 2007, Alghero, Italy, IEEE.

Kritzinger, Mr PS and Pileggi, Mr PP (2007) Performance Modeling of the Wireless Internet, Proceedings of Wireless Rural and Emergancy Communication Conference 2007, October 2007, Rome, Italy.

Labuschagne, Bertus and Nunez, David and Blake, Edwin (2007) Presence predicts false memories of virtual environment content, Proceedings of PRESENCE 2007 The 10th Annual International Workshop on Presence, 2007, Barcelona, Spain, 297-301.

Maunder, Andrew and Marsden, Gary and Harper, Richard (2007) Creating and sharing multi-media packages using large situated public displays and mobile phones, Proceedings of Mobile HCI.

Maunder, Andrew and Marsden, Gary and Gruijters, Dominic and Blake, Edwin (2007) Designing Interactive Systems for the Developing World – Reflections on User- Centred Design, Proceedings of ICTD, 321-328.

Mbogho, Dr Audrey J.W. and Scarlatos, Dr Lori L. (2007) Genetic Parameter Tuning for Reliable Segmentation of Colored Visual Tags, Proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, 7-11 July 2007, London, England, II, 1525, ACM.

Nakashole, Ndapandula and Suleman, Hussein and Pedzai, Calvin (2007) Dynamic Role Allocation for Small Search Engine Clusters, Proceedings of Annual Research Conference of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists (SAICSIT 2007), 2-3 October 2007, Port Alfred, South Africa, ACM.

Suleman, Hussein (2007) Digital Libraries Without Databases: The Bleek and Lloyd Collection, Proceedings of Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, 11th European Conference (ECDL 2007), 16-19 September 2007, Budapest, Hungary, 392-403, Springer.

Suleman, Hussein (2007) Managing Digital Library Components, Proceedings of Second Workshop on Foundations of Digital Libraries, 20 September 2007, Budapest, Hungary.

Suleman, Hussein (2007) in-Browser Digital Library Services, Proceedings of Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, 11th European Conference (ECDL 2007), 16-19 September 2007, Budapest, Hungary, 462-465, Springer.

Technical report

Arnab, Mr Alapan and Paulse, Mr Marlon and Bennett, Mr Duncan and Hutchison, Prof Andrew (2007) Experiences in Implementing a Kernel-Level DRM Controller, CS07-01-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Asherson, Mr. Stephen and Kritzinger, Prof. Pieter and Pileggi, Mr. Paolo (2007) Wireless Standards and Mesh Networks., CS07-02-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Jacka, Mr David and Reid, Mr Ashley and Merry, Mr Bruce and Gain, Dr James (2007) A Comparison of Linear Skinning Techniques for Character Animation, CS07-03-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Journal article (paginated)

Marais, Patrick and Gain, James (2007) High fidelity compression of irregularly sampled height-fields, South African Computer Journal, 38, 40-50.

Marais, Patrick and Gain, James and Shreiner, Dave (2007) Distance-Ranked Connectivity Compression of Triangle Meshes Computer, Computer Graphics Forum (earlyOnline), Blackwell Publishing.

Rouse, Mr Colin and Berman, A/Prof Sonia (2007) Mapster: A Peer-to-Peer Data Sharing Environment, South African Computer Journal, 38, SAICSIT.


Maunder, Mr Andrew and Marsden, Dr Gary and Harper, Prof Richard (2007) Shoot and Carry.

Electronic thesis or dissertation

Arnab, Alapan (2007) Towards a General Framework for Digital Rights Management (DRM), PhD.

Balluck, Ashwinkoomarsing (2007) Optimising Information Retrieval from the Web in Low-bandwidth Environments, MPhil.

Merry, Mr Bruce (2007) A linear framework for character skinning, PhD.

Neeser, Rudolph (2007) A Comparison of Statistical and Geometric Reconstruction Techniques: Guidelines for Correcting Fossil Hominin Crania, MSc.

Nunez, Dr David (2007) A Capacity Limited, Cognitive Constructionist Model of Virtual Presence, PhD.

Sello, Mpho Constance (2007) Individual Document Management Techniques: an Explorative Study, MPhil.

Spasic, Mr Nemanja (2007) Anomaly Detection and Prediction of Human Actions in a Video Surveillance Environment, MSc.

du Toit, Masha (2007) Investigating the Efficacy of XML and Stylesheets to Render Electronic Courseware for Multiple Learning Styles, MPhil.

van Rooyen, Mr Reinhardt (2007) A Transaction Assurance Framework For Web Service, MSc.

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