Items where Subject is "Dependable and fault-tolerant systems and networks"

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Number of items at this level: 25.


Admatsky, Andrew and Akl, Selim and Alonso-Sanz, Ramon and van Dessel, Wesley and Ibrahim, Zuwaire and Ilachinski, Andrew and Jones, Jeff and Kayem, Anne V.D.M. and Martinez, Genaro and de Oliveria, Pedro and Propenko, Mikhail and Schubert, Theresa and Sloot, Peter and Strano, Emmanuele and Yang, Xie-She (2012) Are Motorways Rational from Slime Mould's Point of View?, International Journal of Parallel, Emergent, and Distributed Systems.


Badenhorst, Scott (2015) Acceleration of the noise suppression component of the DUCHAMP source-finder., MSc.


Clough, Duncan and Riviera, Stefano and Kuttel, Michelle and Geddes, Vincent and Marais, Patrick (2010) Panopticon: A Scalable Monitoring System, Proceedings of Proceedings of South African Institute for Computer Scientists and Information Technologists Conference (SAICSIT 2010), 11-13 October 2010.


de Wet, Mr. Nico Dirk and Kritzinger, Prof. Pieter S. (2004) Using UML Models for the Performance Analysis of Network Systems, Proceedings of Workshop on Integrated-reliability with Telecommunications and UML Languages (WITUL), 2 November 2004, Rennes, Brittany, France, SDL Forum Society.

de Wet, Mr Nico (2005) Model Driven Communication Protocol Engineering and Simulation based Performance Analysis using UML 2.0, MSc.


Fisher, Mr Mario (2012) Performance Benchmarking Physical and Virtual Linux Environments, MPhil.


Kayem, Dr. Anne V.D.M. and Martin, Prof. Patrick and Akl, Prof. Selim G. (2012) Self-Protecting Access Control: On Mitigating Privacy Violations with Fault Tolerance, Privacy Protection Measures and Technologies in Business Organizations: Aspects and Standards, 95-128, IGI Global.

Kayem, Dr. Anne V.D.M. and Martin, Prof. Patrick and Akl, Prof. Selim G. (2011) Self-Protecting Access Control: On Mitigating Privacy Violations with Fault Tolerance, Privacy Protection Measures and Technologies in Business Organizations: Aspects and Standards, IGI Global.

Kayem, Dr. Anne V.D.M. and Martin, Prof. Patrick and Akl, Prof. Selim G. (2011) Efficient enforcement of dynamic cryptographic access control policies for outsourced data, Proceedings of 10th Information Security South Africa (ISSA), 2011, August 15 - 17, 2011, Johanesburg, South Africa, 1-8, IEEE.

Keet, Dr C. Maria and d'Amato, Dr Claudia and Khan, Mrs Zubeida Casmod and Lawrynowicz, Dr Agnieszka (2014) Exploring Reasoning with the DMOP Ontology, Proceedings of 3rd Workshop on Ontology Reasoner Evaluation (ORE'14), 13 July 2014, Vienna, Austria, 1207, 64-70, CEUR-WS.

Kayem, Dr Anne V.D.M. and Martin, Prof Patrick and Akl, Prof. Selim G. (2011) Enhancing Identity Trust in Cryptographic Key Management Systems for Dynamic Environments, Wiley's Security and Communication Networks Journal, 4, 74-94, Wiley.


Lifson, Mr Farrel (2004) Specification and Verification of Systems Using Model Checking and Markov Reward Models, MSc.


Nakashole, Ndapandula and Suleman, Hussein and Pedzai, Calvin (2007) Dynamic Role Allocation for Small Search Engine Clusters, Proceedings of Annual Research Conference of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists (SAICSIT 2007), 2-3 October 2007, Port Alfred, South Africa, ACM.

Nyirenda, Mayumbo and Suleman, Hussein (2008) X-Switch: A Secure, Multi-User, Language-Independent Web Application Server, Proceedings of CARI 2008, October 2008, Rabat, Morrocco.

Nakashole, Ms Ndapandula and Pedzai, Mr Calvin and Suleman, Dr Hussein (2006) An Approach to Better System Resource Utilization for Search Engine Clusters, CS06-10-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Nakashole, Ms Ndapandula (2009) A Hybrid Scavenger Grid Approach to Intranet Search, MSc.


Phokeer, Mr Amreesh and Chavula, Dr Josiah and Johnson, Dr David and Densmore, Dr Melissa and Sathiaseelan, Dr Arjuna and Tyson, Dr Gareth and Feamster, Prof. Nick (2019) On the potential of Google AMP to promote local content in developing regions, Proceedings of IEEE COMSNETS, 7-11 January 2019, Bangalore, India, IEEE.

Parker, Mr Christopher P (2009) A lightweight interface to local Grid scheduling systems, MSc.


Suleman, Hussein (2006) Parallelising Harvesting, Proceedings of 9th International Conference on the Asian Digital Library, 27-30 November 2006, Kyoto, Japan.

Singh, Siddharth and Nanda, Vedant and Sen, Rijurekha and Ahmad, Sohaib and Sengupta, Satadal and Phokeer, Amreesh and Farooq, Zaid Ahmed and Arefin Khan, Taslim and Kumaraguru, Ponnurangam and Qazi, Ihsan Ayyub and Choffnes, David and Gummadi, Krishna P. (2017) An Empirical Analysis of Facebook’s Free Basics Program, Proceedings of ACM SIGMETRICS, June 05 - 09, 2017, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA, 37-38, ACM.

Sen, Dr Rijurekha and Ahmad, Mr Sohaib and Phokeer, Mr Amreesh and Farooq, Mr Zaid Ahmed and Qazi, Mr Ihsan Ayyub and Choffnes, Dr David and Gummadi, Dr Krishna P. (2017) Inside the Walled Garden: Deconstructing Facebook's Free Basics Program, Computer Communication Review, 47, ACM.

Symington, Mr Andrew (2009) A Hardware Testbed for Measuring IEEE 802.11g DCF Performance, MSc.


Takyi, Mr Augustine and Densmore, Dr Melissa and Hadzic, Dr Senka and Johnson, Dr David (2017) Performance analysis of a collaborative DSA-based network with malicious nodes, Proceedings of 9th EAI International conference on e-Infrastructure & e-Services for developing countries (AFRICOMM), 11-12 December 2017, Lagos, Nigeria.

Thompson, John and Bainbridge, David and Suleman, Hussein (2011) Very Large Scale Digital Library Building in Greenstone using Parallel Processing, Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries, 24-27 October 2011, Beijing, China, 331-340, Springer.


Winschiers-Theophilus, Dr Heike and Bidwell, Dr Nicola J and Blake, Prof Edwin H (2012) Community consensus: Design beyond participation, Design Issues, 28, 89-100, MIT Press.

This list was generated on Sun Mar 9 17:15:47 2025 SAST.