Noxolo Mthimkulu


The objectives for the project were to achieve a platform that sufficiently represents the information contained and makes it easy to navigate and understand. In addition, funtionality relating to recent updates and a user's history and interaction with the digital archives was necessary. These services, along with the other archival services, were to be configurable dependent on which archive the user was accessing. This was achieved by creating a configuration layer allowing for the toggling of archival services.


The below archival services were implemented as a part of the Three Archives project. It was decided that each iteration of the software development life cycle saw the introduction of new software features.

  • Iteration 1: basic search
  • Iteration 2: advanced search and browse
  • Iteration 3: history and personalisation implementation and the configuration layer.


Search and Browse

Text-based querying and collection exploration with collections categorised by Dublin Core metadata fields.


History and Personalisation

Provides users with recently updated archival items and a view of trending searches and browses.


Configuration Layer

Towards an extensible digital cultural heritage archive

Copyright © 2015 Nicole Petersen, Noosrat Hossain and Noxolo Mthimulu